Goddess Amber

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Y/N POV: You slowly open your eyes to see the face of Meliodas standing over you. His face both shows confusion and worry. He gives you a hand and helps you up. You wipe the blood off your hands on your pants. You tilt your head sideways in confusion. You wonder why Meliodas looks confused. He pats you on the right shoulder and says "Long time no see Y/N the eighth sin." You look to your right shoulder and sees that your clothing is ripped. While you and Meliodas were chatting Guila put fireballs around you and him. "If I get careless and touch those things I'm guessing there'll explode," Meliodas says. "Nope, they will explode on there own." As Gulia says this you push Meliodas out of the way just before they exploded. The heat swallowed up every inch of your body. "Chain exposition," Gulia says calmly. The smoke fills your lungs as the blazing heat rubbing on your skin. As soon as the attack is over you see Gulia come running towards you. She grabs you by the front of your shirt and throws you up into the air. You land on the ground with a big "Thump." The force of impact renders you completely unconscious.

Meliodas POV: As I prepared for the heat of the booms I felt someone push me out of the way. I looked over my shoulder to see who it was and then I saw Y/N smiling at me. Then I saw Y/N get enclosed in the exposition. "Y/N!!!" You yell trying to grab her but the force knocks you off your feet. After the smoke clears before you could get off your feet Gulia throws Y/N off into the distance. Jericho walks up to Gulia and says "I'm done with Ban are you done with- Meliodas?!" Jericho immediately pulls out her weapon and aims it at you. As you reach for your weapon you hear King's voice. "Ban, Meliodas I'm done making sure no one is left." King looks down at where you are and then says "Wait where's Ban?" King looks side to side looking for him. "Wait I see Ban. And someone else.." He trails off. King lands on the ground with his pillow in his arms. "Hey, Meliodas go get Ban and that other girl. And make sure they are safe." You nod and put your sword back. As you run off you look to see what's happing with King. Gulia and Jericho are now attacking him. But it looks like King is winning. As you walk towards them you see Hawk walking towards you. "Sheesh looks like they did a number on them." You throw Ban on Hawks back. And throws Y/N over your shoulder. Making sure you don't hurt her. "I'm not your damm hambulance," Hawk mutters. You just ignore what he says and carefully walk to some wear safe. You find a place that looks safe enough for all of you to rest. You slowly slide Y/N off from your shoulders. She was in a piggyback position when you slid her off. She was still out cold from hitting the ground. You hear some voices coming towards all of you. "The Holy Knights got here faster than expected. And we still haven't found Ellie yet!"
"Princes Veronica, I'm sure that Princess Elizabeth is fine."
The sound of there footsteps were coming closer and closer to us. Finally, they had spotted us. "M-Meliodas?! Where is Elizabeth! Hand her over!" The woman presumably Veronica yelled at you. "Elizabeth is not here." You calmly say to her. "Like hell, I'll believe that!" You snap back at you. "Like I said before she's not here." You say.

Y/N POV: You slowly start to wake up from what felt like an eternally. You groan slightly as you slowly blink open your eyes the sunlight casting a warm blanket on you. For a second you thought all of that was a dream. Then the sound of bickering soon fills the air. Breaking you from those thoughts as the events of earlier suddenly flash through your mind. You turn over on your side to see Meliodas, a woman with short purple hair, and Griamore. You feel a shot of pain run through your body. You put your hand to the back of your head to feel something wet. You look back to your hand to see blood on it. You stand up wobbling a little bit as you walk over to Meliodas. "What's going on?" You say to all of them. Meliodas turns around to look at you. "Your finally awake Y/N." He says smiling. The woman behind him says something... almost like a spell. You look at her to see that she is holding a purple crystal that is on a gold chain. "Huh?" You turn your head sideways in a confused look. Meliodas looks confused as well. Then no later then a second you see Meliodas get sucked into the crystal. "W-What did you do to Meliodas?!" You shout at her confused and angry. "Ha see he was really evil." She exclaims talking mostly to Griamore. To be honest you have no idea what's happening. First, you don't know this lady and also you have no grasp in what just happened. You start to feel a knot form in your stomach as you get sucked under the waves of fear and hopelessness. You look frantically around. Ban is still out cold, a pig is next to you, and the girl is taking his sword and the crystal. You take in a deep breath as you snatch the sword and the crystal from her hands. You feel the rush of adrenaline flow through your body as you do that. You swiftly turn around and start to sprint. You take a quick peek over your shoulders to see that Ban is talking to them. After you had run out of energy and collapse to the ground. Your heart rate has shot up and your panting like a dog. Though you can't feel the pain of sore legs or your wounds. You sit cross-legged leaning against a half-broken wall. You roll the crystal in your hands not knowing what to do. "M-Meliodas please come back..." You manage to say as you hold the crystal tighter and tighter. You start to feel your face get hot as tears form in the corners of your eyes. You feel scared once more. This is the reason why you quit. Having to live like this. On the inside always scared if a war was going to break out. "Meliodas! Meliodas!! Meliodas!!!" You scream shaking in fear. Soon the crystal begins to shake and black liquid flows around it. You keep ahold of it out of shock. Then right before your eyes, Meliodas appears from it. But his face shows no emotion and he is covered in black markings. You push your back closer to the wall as Meliodas bends down to sniff you. After the dose that he picks up his sword and stands up. He begins to slowly walk away. "Where are you going?" You say to him standing up. He stops for a minute and looks around. You wonder what he is looking at or who he is looking for. Suddenly he raises his arm and the darkness crawls up his arm forming a wing. As he's about to leave you to hug him tightly from the back. Not letting go of him. Soon the blackness slowly disappears from his body.

Meliodas POV: You feel someone tightly hugging you from the back. You feel something wet roll down your back too. You see Y/N breathing unevenly as she tightens her hug around you. She lifts her head up to revile a red face with tears rolling down her face.

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