Chapter 2

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I woke up early in the morning as I woke from a deep sleep. I hate it when that happens.

YN "Damn this day better go by fast."

I got dressed and apparently I was supposed to wear a uniform but the uniform kind of ripped when I put it on.

YN "Well I'll just tell them that I can't wear one."

I head downstairs and my mother is awake making breakfast.

YN "Good morning mom."

Chichi "Good morning YN. Breakfast is done."

She sat a plate down for me.

YN "Thank you mom."

I chow down on the food and I wipe my face off. I check the time and it was time for me to get going.

YN "I gotta go mom love you."

Chichi "Love you too. See you when you get back from school."

I head outside and I fly in the air heading into the direction of the school.

When I land I get stares as to how I was able to fly in the air. I walk past all the students and Trunks comes running at me and jumps up in my arms hugging me.

Trunks "I see you finally made it."

YN "Well I had to see you before class begun."

I kissed her on the lips. We then hear everyone say.

All "THAT'S YN?!!"

Trunks "Yes this is my boyfriend YN. I told you all that I had one so here he is."

YN "Any of you males or females that think that you can try and get with her well think again because that will never happen. Now trunks I must go talk to the principal I'll talk to you later."

Trunks "Ok."

I kissed her again before walking off to the building. As I entered the building it was crowded. I sighed as I sent out a bit of energy and made some people move off to the side. I then began walking past them causing everyone to turn their attention towards me. I didn't look at anyone as I continued to walk to the room that was labeled Principals office.

I knocked on the door.

??? "Enter."

I open the door and sat down in the chair in front of the desk. The man had red hair and when he turned around I saw his face and smiled for it was none other than my older brother Sirzechs Gremory

Sirzechs "Ah I see that you made it. Now you- wait you look awfully familiar."

YN "Really I could say the same about you. Sirzechs Gremory."

Sirzechs "How do you know my name?"

YN "I'm hurt that you don't even recognize your own brother Sirzechs."

As I said that he froze.

Sirzechs "Y-YN?"

YN "Hello."

Sirzechs walked over to YN and hugged him.

Sirzechs "It has been so long since we last saw you. How have you been?"

YN "Great I have a family that treat me as their equal as well as a girlfriend."

Sirzechs "Oh really? That's amazing. Anyway you do know that this place is a uniform school right?"

YN "Well I tried putting the uniform on but it ripped when I put it on."

Sirzechs "Did it now? *Sigh* very well I'll let it go and let you go without a uniform."

YN "Thank you."

I then left the office and headed to my first class of the day.

End of chapter 2.

abused and neglected broly reader x highschool dxdWhere stories live. Discover now