Chapter One: Needles and Seringes

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Chapter One.

"...miss? can you hear me?" the annoying buzz of someones voice is the first thing I become aware of as I regain consciousness.

It's like a veil slowly being lifted, all the noises that had been drowned out now suddenly audible. The cacophony of smells, sounds and sensations that had previously escaped my mind now suddenly hit me with full force.

The air smelled clean. But not in a good way. Whereas the smell of clean air, earth and nature was always a welcome distraction for me, this was different. Chlorine, bleach and the smell of antiseptic hung heavy in the air, nearly making my eyes water.

Then came the noises.

The clattering of metal against metal, the hushed voices and electronic buzz of an intercom were only some of the many noises I could decipher as I opened my eyes, blinking against the harsh light.


White. The ceiling, the walls and everything my eyes landed on as I blinked drowsily a couple of times, was white. I was laying in a bed that had a metal railing, with crisp white sheets that scratched against my skin in the most uncomfortable way. My head was propped up against a -you guessed it- white pillow and even the linoleum tiles seemed a ghostly shade of white.

"...Miss...?" a voice reached me.

My eyes zeroed in on the person that had spoken.

A pair of caramel eyes met my own grey ones inquisitively.


"Hey there. Good to have you back in the land of the living" he said, his warm voice matching the gentle look in his eyes.

"I-I'm..." I started, hating how my voice failed. I was parched, and my throat felt raw and dry like the Sahara desert.

"In the Hospital" the man confirmed "And I'm Dr. Montegna"

I closed my eyes briefly, unsure as to what to say. The Hospital. Great. My stomach churned at the thought of the place I was currently in. Hundreds and hundreds of people. Some sick, some dying. The thought alone had me feeling ill, and I looked over to the doctor all in the hopes of temporarily forgetting the terrible place I was at.

Assessing my own condition I tried stretching a bit and wasn't in the least bit surprised when all my muscles protested against the movement. I was sore and aching all over, probably sporting a few nasty bruises if the pain in my jaw and near my rib cage were anything to go by.


"Can you tell me your name, miss?" asked Dr. Montegna with as he reached for the medical charts that were attached to the side of my bed.

"What...What happened?" I asked, feeling queasy.

"You were in a car accident" answered the doctor impassively "It's amazing how lucky you were. Only minor injuries. A few cuts and bruises, nothing more"

"A-An accident?" I whispered, my mind working overtime as I tried to collect my thoughts.

"Aha. The police are actually right outside this room. They will want to speak to you as soon as I give them the green light" explained Dr. Montegna.


I felt my heart quicken at the thought. The police! What was I supposed to tell them?! What had happened?!

"Did....Did anyone else get hurt?" I asked shakily, biting my lip nervously.

"No. There were no other cars involved in the accident, and you were the only passenger in the car" the doctor replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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