Miss Congeniality

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(A/N: As I'm writing this one, I just want to clear up things first. First of all, the author in here didn't had a crush with her cousin who is obviously a guy and will never. Second, I've gone to the place I used as a setting on this short story. I'll just be describing as what I'be seen there. Third and lastly, this story is just a fiction and I just made this because this situation seems to be interesting for me and I know that it might really be possible to happen in real life.)

"The ship just arrived. We're on our way downstairs," my Mom said to my dad on a phone call.

"We'll be heading to Mama's house right away," she added.

Zhyril Vergara Myrtle is my name. 17 years of existence. Xeira Vergara Myrtle is my sister. We are together with our mom here at Bohol to have a vacation for three weeks.

It is my second time to go to my grandmother's house. We rode on a ceres bus. Honestly, it is my first time to ride a bus because when we went here before, we used our own car. After an hour, we arrived at my grandmother's barangay. My uncle was waiting there to fetch us using his motorcycle cab. There I see the beauty of the province of Bohol. Wherever I look I see may long trees. The environment here is very far from Cebu where in I see crowded places, many industrial buildings, malls, small and big houses and a lot of vehicles that contribute to global warming. After some minutes, we arrived at the house. We saw some of our relatives here. Our mom introduced us to them. After some time, me and my sister, Xeira went to the kitchen to drink water when suddenly a man went inside holding a pitcher. I was stunned. I even forgot that my sister is still here. He is so handsome. He looks so attractive and charming. He even have a mole on his chin, cute dimples, beautiful eyes and a skintone which is a little bit lighter than mine. Just don't get me wrong. I'm not insecure.

I was about to drink when....

"Wait, Zhyril," he loudly said.

I took a glance on him. He stared at me for about four seconds and looked at my glass.

"There's nothing on your glass," he said.

I looked at it and I found out that he's right. Oh geez, did I just got embarrassed in front of him? Well, awkward. Silenced covered our atmosphere as he started to walk towards my direction. Wait, is he going to introduce himself to me and shake his hand with mine like others? Oh geez, I think my hands are getting wet!

"Uhmm, juice?" He offered to me.

Fine, I assumed. He started pouring juice on my glass when he suddenly held my hand which is holding the glass with his left hand.

"You're shaking, Zhyril. Are you okay?" He asked me sincerely.

Is he concerned about me? WAIT, did he just touched my hand? I looked at my hand and of course, his hand and found out that he is right, again. I am really shaking. Silenced covered around us when suddenly my mom broke it.

"Zhyril, carry your bags here upstairs to your room. I already carried Xeira's," I was about to carry my bag when someone held its handle first. I looked up and saw him. Yes, HIM because I don't even know his name.

"I'll take care of this, Zhyril. Just follow me and we will be heading to our room. I think you hsould get some rest first. You must have been tired."

My sister was left on the living room with my cousins. He was about to step up on the stairs when I interrupted him.

"What do you mean by OUR'S?" I emphasized the word our's. By the way, I am referring to the room.

"Yes, we will be staying on the same room together with your sister. You don't need to worry because there are three beds there," he replied.


When we entered our room, I noticed that it is painted with blue. There are pictures framed on top of the cabinet beside each bed. I think it must be our closet. I looked at the picture on the side. It's him. I also saw a painting of his face. He is really handsome.

"Who painted that one?" I asked him after he placed my bags inside the cabinet. I noticed that he blushed. How cute.

"I painted it," He replied. "Actually, it was two years ago."

"Now you should take a rest. I'll be going downstairs. By the way, just call me if you'll be needing something, bye."

He flashed his cute smile and went outside.

One week already passed but I still don't know his name.

Today really have a beautiful morning. I went downstairs and headed the garden. I saw him watering the plants. I sat on the bench and watched over him. After some time, he put down the hose and turned it off. I may say that he noticed my presence because he sat beside me on the bench.

"What made you wake up this early, Zhyril?"

I think He really likes my name because everytime he tells me something, he says it also.

"Nothing. I just think that this morning is really beautiful and I don't want it to be wasted."

"It's still 5:20 and there is still 40 minutes before 6:00. Do youw ant to have a jog with me?"

"Good idea! Come one let's change our clothes first." I stood up and headed first to our room.

We jog and after 30 minutes we stopped and sat down under the tree.

"How is your life in Cebu? Do you have a boyfriend there? Don't worry I won't tell anyone. I'm just curious," he asked. Maybe to open up a conversation.

"My life is okay. I'm doing fine in Cebu. I have friends there. I am an honor student and.... I still don't have a boyfriend."

"Good." He looked at his wrist watch.

"It's already 5:55. We need to go back now."

"Okay," I replied and started to jog back to the house.

Right after we arrived, i immediately took a shower and changed my clothes.

-------------------------------------------------The end -----------------------------------------------------

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