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(y/n) stared up at the boy she had bumped into, could it really be Kirishima? After all this time? It had seemed like forever, you went off to that prep school and didn't give him or Mina notice. Would he remember you even if it was him.

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The guy looked down at you raising an eyebrow, he didn't know what was happening. You had been staring at him for at least two minutes now. It was odd, because he hadn't said anything about your obsessive staring.

"Uhhh, Im going to get going." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

You snapped out of your trance like state almost instantly. "Oh geez! I'm really sorry about that, you just remind me of someone that i was friends with!" You smile.

"Hm, odd." He mumbled before looking at you again, scanning over your face as if he was observing every feature. From your beautiful (e/c) eyes to your stunning soft (h/c) hair.

Little did you know that you had reminded him of someone he used to know in middle school.

Your (h/c) hair, was up back in a ponytail and your eyes were brighter than normal due to the sun in your eyes.

"Sorry once again about that!" You smile and wave to him as you start to backup slowly and job away.

That was one of the most awkward encounters you had ever had.

I probably freaked him out with my obsessive staring.
Was all you could think.
Why was I staring so hard anyways?
After a few moments, you had gotten away from him. That couldn't have been Kirishima, but it could've been too. Last time you saw Kiri he had black hair, but the guy looked so much like him.

He had the small scar over his left eye like Kirishima, he got when he was younger due to his quick activating. He was so manly! The manliest man ever. You stopped and laughed, he was so adorable.

Damn I miss him.

You couldn't help but walk back to the place where you had bumped into him to see if the male was still there.

He was gone, of course he would be. It's not like he would just sitting and waiting around like in the movies. But, it's times like this you wished it were a movie.

A sigh escaped your lips as you sat down on a curb, in front of the apartments where you lived. Pulling out your phone you scroll through social media. It's not like you had any friends, you were too awkward and anxious around people.

Closing you eyes and taking a deep breath.

Everything will be okay, I got this.

You tried reassuring yourself, but it didn't work. Stress had fallen upon you and there was too much of it. It's just a school, right?!

All the thinking started to get to you, so you headed inside. Maybe a good nights rest would surely do something amazing.

As you headed to your apartment door you saw someone in the corner of your eye...

It was the broccoli boy from the entrance exam, the one that kept mumbling... i should really learn his name. I didn't know he lived around here, let alone in my same apartment building.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙛 𝙒𝙝𝙤 𝙄 𝙒𝙖𝙨 || DENKI, BAKUGO, KIRISHIMA X READERWhere stories live. Discover now