"Final warning, stay down," Tony says as he looks at Steve.

You quietly stand and reach for Steve's shield, that was conveniently beside you. Steve slowly stands.

"I can do this all day," he says as he puts his hand up, ready to fight.

You quickly stand up behind Tony and bring Steves shield down on him. Tony quickly turns around and shoots and energy blast.

He was aiming for the shield, but he missed...

You scream as you feel the blast go straight into your stomach on the right side.

Tony retracted his helmet and wore a bewildered look.

He hurt you, bad...

The other times were intended but this was a complete accident. You fall onto the ground with your side bleeding with third degree burns around it.

Tears leaked from your eyes as you laid beside Bucky. Steve grabs Iron Man and lifts him over his head, then throws him down.

He punches him and bashes his mask off with his shield before striking down hard on the suit's core. Tony looks horrified and glowers fearfully at Steve who pants for breath.

Both have blood spattered across their faces. Steve looks back at Tony then shuts his eyes and slumps down.

The shield remains upright, stuck fast in the center of the Iron Man Suit. When Steve struggles up again he takes hold of the shield, gripping the edge and pulling it free.

He steps away from Tony who rolls painfully onto his side. Steve helps Bucky up, who is bloodied up, and looks at you.

You were unconscious and you were losing blood, fast. Steve picked you up bridal style and starts to carry you out, with Bucky leaning on his a bit.

"That shield doesn't belong to you... You don't deserve it. My father made that shield!" Tony yells from the ground.

Steve immediately drops the shield and continues walking out.....

You woke up in a white room, actually more like a lab. You looked around and saw gadgets of every kind, weapons, suits, medical equipment, everything.

You sit up slightly and groan. What a headache.... you reach for where you got shot at, but nothing was there.

Your skin was completely healed, along with all of your other injuries. How?

"Good to see your awake Miss Rogers," you hear a familiar voice speak. T'Challa walked in with a girl a little younger than you.

"Where am I?" You ask as you sit up.

"You are in my home, you are in Wakanda," he says as the girl types a few thing into the computer beside you.

"Your vital signs are much better. You heal quicker than a normal human," she says as you look at her.

"Probably because I'm enhanced," you mutter, not thinking she heard you.

"Oh really?! Brother you didn't tell me she was special," the girl says to T'Challa.

"Brother?" You question as you stand.

"This is my younger sister Shuri. She healed you while you were unconscious," T'Challa says as you pop your joints.

"Well I just cleaned them, you healed on your own," Shuri says as she rocks back and forth.

"So.. what are your powers?" She asks with a smile. You smirk.

"I'm fast," you say with a shrug as you stretch out your aching muscles.

"Really?!" She says amazed. You chuckle as Steve walks in.

"I'm glad your up. We need to talk," Steve says as he walks towards you.

You gulp as your heartbeat picks up. T'Challa nodded as he followed behind you. You walk out and see Bucky looking out the window.

You immediately run towards him and hug him. He hugs your figure back as your legs wrap around his waist.

"Are you okay?" He asks as he looks at you. You nod as you put your head in the crook of his neck.

"Y/n... we brought you here to make a decision," Steve says seriously. You get off of Bucky and face towards him.

"Yeah?" You question.

"You can either stay here with Bucky and or go home with Pietro and the rest of the team. And you need to make a decision now...."
1263 word count. Until the next chapter my hero's😘😘 -Kay😜

Whiplash- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now