Chapter 2

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You gulp and take off. Rumlow shot two more shots, but missing you thanks to your speed.

You ran out a different window and down to the ground.

You set Steve down and looked up to see Nat by an armed truck, she looked as if she was just blown up, with a bit of black ashes on her cheek.

"Sam. He's in an AFV heading north," Steve says as he starts jogging off, with you following. Sam lands on a roof by the small market outside.

"I got four, they're splitting up," Sam says as he scans the area with his goggles.

"I got the two on the left," Nat says as she runs over a few car hoods and through the crowd of civilians.

"Y/n and I got the two on the right," Pietro says while coming up behind you and grabbing your waist.

He kisses your neck lightly, sending a chill up your spine.

"Not now," you whisper, gulping down any other nerves you had. Steve made it over to the truck they abandoned.

"They ditched their gear. It's a shell game now. One of them has the payload," Steve says but is cut off by a sticky bomb attaching to his shield.

Steve quickly threw his shield in the air, not wanting to hurt the pedestrians around.

"There you are, you son of a bitch. I've been waiting for this!" Rumlow yells. You stop dead in your tracks.

"I need you to check the other two, I need to help Steve," you say to Pietro. He smiles.

"You care a lot for your family," he says with his accent. You laugh and kiss him gently before taking off towards Steve.

Brock Rumlow was part of the huge Hydra base that was undercover for SHIELD that Steve and you were working for. They launched three ships in the air, aiming for millions of people.

But luckily, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers and you took him down. Rumlow wasn't so luckily, the broken Hydra base building fell onto him, and left his face and body scarred forever.

What was weird is that Steve's old friend, Bucky, was there too working for the other side, but that's a different story. Rumlow pins Steve up against a wall of a building.

"Hey jackass!! I'm the one that destroyed that building. It's me you want," you yell at Brock. He slowly turns around to face you.

You look through the eyes of his mask and see the fire in his eyes.

"Oops," you whisper as he drops Steve onto the ground.

"This is for dropping a building on my face," he says as he reaches for you.

You dodge with your speed and send a punch to his armored face. You rub your knuckle out of pain.

"I think I look pretty good, all things considered," Rumlow says as he takes out a gun and starts randomly shooting at you.

You kick the gun out of his hands while Steve comes up behind him and brings Brock to his knees.

"Who's your buyer," you say as you take the gun Rumlow was previously using and put it up to under his jawline.

"You know, he knew you, both of you. Your pal, your buddy, your Bucky," Rumlow spits to you and Steve. You paused and pulled the gun away, glancing at Steve.

"What did you say?" Steve asks with irritation.

"He remembered you. I was there. He got all weepy about it. Till they put his brain back in a blender. He wanted you to know something. He said to me, "Please tell Rogers. When you gotta go, you gotta go." And you're coming with me," he finishes and then beeping was heard.

You look down at Rumlows chest and flinch, his bomb vest ignites. You had no time to react, but Wanda used her powers to contain the explosion and put it up in the air.

You hear the screams of agony from Rumlow as he burns in his mini bubble. Right when the explosion went off, Wanda lost control and the fire went into an office building, full of civilians.

Wanda immediately falls to the ground, covering her mouth.

"Oh my... Sam... we and rescue... on the south side of the building. We gotta get up there," Steve says out of breath with his mouth open in shock.

You immediately tack off your glasses and hat and run up into the building, with Pietro following behind. You grab as many people as you can and take them out two by two, Pietro carrying three.

Tears ran down your face as you saw burnt bodies on the floors of the building. You couldn't save them... after they were all out, you ran back up towards the bodies.

You gulped as you reached down to pick a small girls body up when the floor collapsed onto your floor.

"Y/N!!" Steve and Pietro yell as they watch it fall more. Wanda watched with tears staining her face. They watched in expectance, waiting for you to come out.

You ran out of the emergency door couching and limping, but you held something in your arms. It was a burnt teddy bear the small girl had by her side.

If you couldn't save her dead body, then you'll save something that was close to her. You fell onto the ground, your lungs burning from the smoke. Steve ran over to you and picked you up.

"We leave now!" Steve yells through his com as he runs towards the parked quin jet. Then everything went black.
Time Skip-

You woke up on Wanda's bed, watching her wrap your few burns and wounds. You move slightly, letting her know you were awake.

She gasps as she feels your movement and your brilliant eyes staring at her.

"She's awake!!" She calls out to the team. She looks back at you.

"I-I'm so sorry," she says, barley audible.

"It's okay. I'm fine," you say as you sit up and hug her tightly, despite the pain surging through your legs and your right arm.

Pietro was the first in the room, he ran straight into your small figure and pushed you onto the bed.

"That's the second time you've scared us half to death princess!! Don't do it again," he says and immediately kisses you. You blush darkly and kiss back, his scruff tickling your lips and cheeks.

"Okay kids not here," Nat says with a smirk as she walks in.

"Not ever," Steve corrects her as he walks in, seriously. Pietro backs off of you so you could sit up.

"How are you feeling?" Vision asks first as he scans your injuries.

"Better, I'm a fast healer," you shrug and try to stand from the bed, key word try. You immediately stumble, Pietro catching you of course.

"Take it easy, you just got back," Steve says as he gently places you back down on the bed.

"But I'm hungry," you say with a smirk as you get back up and try to run out.

Natasha catches you by your waist and throws you on the ground. You land with a loud groan.

"You have to listen to the boss," Nat says with a smirk, seeing she can still successfully take you down.

"How- long," You struggle to say.

"Top of 12 hours. You're allowed out when Stark returns," Steve says as he walks out of your room.

Pietro sits on Wanda's bed as everyone else walks out. Before Wanda left she turned around:

"Don't do anything in my bed..."

You blush as she laughs and walks out.
1282 word count. Until the next chapter my hero's😘😘 -Kay😜

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