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Voicemail 9, March 28, 2:12am// It's Logan. You know what to do. *BEEP*

"Logaaaan...guess what!"

"Alright, I'll tell you. I shaved my hair off! All of it! I look like Connie now, sort of. Except he's not...y'know...completely bald."


"...I'm sorry. It's just...it reminds me of that time you told me I looked pretty with long hair and I...I couldn't –I can't stand it. I can't stand looking at myself.

"I found the liquor stash my mom kept hidden away and I drank it. All of it. I feel sick. You told me alcohol makes people forget but...you're all I can think about.

"But I guess that's my fault. I'm wearing your favorite sweater and it still smells like you. I haven't left my room for days. My mom is freaking out, it's honestly hilarious...


"I-I m-miss you so m-much, baby..."

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