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Voicemail 8, March 15, 9:34am// It's Logan. You know what to do. *BEEP*


"Your funeral was today.

"You should've seen it. You would've laughed. It was all so fucking elaborate. There were white roses everywhere and everyone who attended came wearing a suit. I didn't even know half of them. Most came from your rugby team. Your coach was there and what seems like the entire student body. Who knew you were so popular?

"Your father...your real father, he was there too.

"The priest—god, I hate him. He kept going on and on about how much of a good person you were, how much you were gonna be missed. It was like he was reading a script. He doesn't even know you! He doesn't even care.

"I...I-I cried. I couldn't help it. Seeing you—seeing your body, it was too much. I just...

"I broke down. I screamed at everyone. I was a mess. Ryan had to drag me out, had to stop me from hugging your corpse. I told them not to bury you—I told them to bury me with you...

"Fuck. I'm crying again. I know you hate it when I cried. I'm sorry.

"...w-why didn't you t-tell me, baby?

"W-Why didn't y-you let me he-help?"

Voicemail. (BxB)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें