"Would you date a guy?" He asked.

Jungkook eyes widened.

"What's with that question?" Hoseok asked while laughing a little.

"Nothing... just asking" V said

Hoseok thinks for a second. "Well I-"

"Oh look at the time!" Jungkook said loudly while looking at his watch.
"It's getting late, you don't wanna be late for your pottery class do you V?" Jungkook asked.

V raised his brow "what pott-"

"I knoooow" Jungkook said and he stand and pulls V to stand up too.

"You do pottery?" Hoseok asked,

"I do no-"

"He don't want to brag about it but yes! He does!" Jungkook said.

"Pottery my a-"

"Just wait for me here I'll just walk him to his car ba-bye!"

Jungkook and V went outside and shut the door leaving Hosoek more confused than ever.

When they reached V's car that's when they started talking.

V turned to Jungkook with one brow raised and his head lowered a bit. "Pottery? Smoke pot I might but pottery? Very convincing Kookie"

"What do you expect me to do? Asking him if he's gay?"

"I didn't ask him if he's gay I asked him if he would consider dating a guy" V corrects

"It's basically the same thing!"

"It's not! What if he's bisexual?"

"And you think he will tell us that?"

"Well maybe, don't knock it till you try it"

"THEN TRY POTTERY!" Jungkook snaps

"Did you just... snap at me?" V asked slightly shocked while pointing at himself

"Because you're being ridiculous!" Jungkook said

"So you really snapped at me?"

"Oh come on stop being a dramatic bitch V it's nothi-"

Before Jungkook could  finish his sentence  V started kissing him vigorously.

Jungkook is shocked and doesn't know what to do, he tried to push him away but V is way stronger compared to him so he failed.

V is still kissing him and Jungkook is now having a hard time breathing and then finally V stopped.

Jungkook gasped for his breath "are you gonna kill me?" He said while breathing heavily.

Although V still have his hands cupped on Jungkook's face, Jungkook noticed that V is looking  at something in front of him  and when Jungkook turns around to look, his heart stopped beating. Not literally but.. you know.

Craving For Hoseok Where stories live. Discover now