Clem stood outside the door, tears running down her face and she immediately went into his arms.

"I'm so sorry Clem. This never should have happened. It's my fault." Louis said, comforting her.

"No, it's mine. I should have just said no to the dare." Clem sobbed.

"No, because then you'd have to do something worse and we'd still be right here in this same situation." Louis pulled away from the hug and went to his phone.

"what are you doing?" Clem asked.

"they're all coming over to fix this. We need a plan. Violentine will not end this way." Louis said.

"No Louis. You should have heard the way her voice sounded. The way she yelled at me. I broke her. She's never going to forgive me." Clementine said, looking down.

"she will if she knows the truth."

"I tried to tell her, she wouldn't listen." Clementine said.

"You caught her at a bad time. We're gonna help you fix this." Louis said.

Present day

"I gotta go grab something from the store. You can just stay here and make yourself comfortable." and with that, he left her alone.

Not a good idea in this state.

Clementine llooked around the kitchen and found some whiskey, which is what she usually drank when she got like this.

After a few shots, she started to feel it kick in and figured that was enough for now.

She gazed at Louis' door. Hoping for that specific knock she does. She knew it wasn't happening but she hoped. Then the thought.

Was she thinking about her? Did she get over me? Did she find someone new?

Then she looked at her phone and saw one new voicemail. From Violet. She listened through it and she let a few tears fall. She didn't respond.

She set her phone down and eventually Louis came back followed by all their friends all giving sympathetic looks and hugs like they've been doing all week.

"You ready?" Brody asked, talking about confronting Violet.

"yeah.." Clementine said. She wasn't that drunk by that point so it didn't take her long to sober up and they got to Violet's house.

Clementine ttook a deep breath before following everyone else to the front door. And she hesitantly knocked. And a few moments later, the door opened. Revealing Violet with baggy eyes and red face. She looked like she hadn't slept at all.

She froze when she saw who was at her door.

"can I talk to you?... Please.." Clementine said, shaking from nervousness.

Violet hesitated before going to close the door on her, but Clem stopped her.

"Please." Clem begged. Violet finally gave in when she heard Clementine's voice crack.

"okay, fine. What?" Violet said and crossed her arms. Then the other teens came into view, all with sympathetic looks on their faces.

"Vi-" Louis was cut off.

"No, I'm not listening to you." Violet said with a glare.

"Violet. Listen. It WAS a dare." Brody said. "and we were all a part of it. So blame us. Not Clem. She loves you and hated the idea of the dare. We never should have done it in the first place."

Clementine nodded at Violet to say what she explained was true.

"no... It's all my fault." another teens voice appeared and she stepped in front of the others. Minerva. "IM the one that gave her the dare. IM the one that made her do it. And I didn't know Sophie took a picture. So blame me, not anyone else."

By this point, Violet believed it was a dare. But something wasn't right.

"You could have easily said no to the dare." Violet said, looking back at Clementine.

"Violet... Listen to me... The only reason I did it was because the punishment for if I said no was to break up with you." Clementine's voice cracked again. "and I didn't want to lose you. I'm in love with you. Not Louis, not anyone else. You. And would never ever do something like that to you on purpose. I'm so sorry."

Violet took a deep breath before breaking down into tears again. Feeling bad about how she treated her. She moved outside to Clem and went into her arms so fast Clem barely had time to process it before hugging back. "I'm sorry for overreacting. I should have just listened to you! I love you Clementine. I love you and I'm so sorry that I treated you like that."

By this point, Louis and the rest of the teens got Clem's stuff out of the car and drove off, leaving them alone.

They spent a long while just in each other's arms, trying to calm Down from the stressful week. Eventually they pulled away and Clementine was allowed back in their house.

It was starting to get Late so they decided to call it a day and head to bed. Clementine got in the bed first and laid on her side, then Violet laid on her side, they were facing eachother before Clem leaned in and wrapped her arms around the smaller girls shoulders and pulled her to her chest, Violet responded by having her arms around Clem's waist, and muzzled her head into Clem's shirt.

"I missed this." Violet mumbled.

"me too." Clementine smiled and rubbed Violets back soothingly.

"please don't let go." Violet said.

"I'm not." Clementine responded.

"okay. I just... I just need you now."

1450 words
Again, sorry this is trash, I heard this song earlier and got bored 😂

Violetine: One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now