i will dont worry

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-Jahsehs POV-

Lala💖💕😍:save me Jah...
Me: Lala I will I will. Do you know where you are...at all??
Lala💖💕😍:No I'm crying and Josh is out of the...building...I don't even think this is a house...Jah please
Me: I'm tracking you I'll find you Lala and I won't let go of you when I do
Lala💖💕😍:please hurry Jah...I love you

Those words hit me.... I needed to find her. I went to snapchat and saw where she was on the map I got in my car and drove there quickly I had 911 on a speed dial and I had a gun but I legally own it so I'm good with that. I came to where she was and saw that it was a old house. I go up to the door and kick it down.

-Lala's POV-
I hear a bang and I really hope it's Jah
-Jahs POV-
Before I got here I called Ski to tell the Members only team to come and help out
-Lalas POV-
"Lala?!" I hear a familiar voice
I see Jah and gang of guys Jahseh had a gun. Oh and before Jah got here Josh was beating me and trying to rape me.
Jah gave Ski the gun and went over to me. I was crying my eyes out. "Shhh shhh baby it's ok shh." He said trying to calm me down I saw I think it was coolie on the phone "who is coolie on the phone with?" I ask Jahseh. "911 baby" he told me Jahseh picked me up and put me in the car. "Don't leave me!" I tell him. "Take care of me."
"i will don't worry."

a/n;sorry this chapter was short

i love you-xxxtentaction x Fem OC COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon