"So there are cons to being part of the Royal family. Wow, that's new.  Our view of you guys was that of people living the perfect lives" I said and he snickered.

        "Perfect lives?. I bet you don't understand how annoying it is when a lot of responsibility is resting on you, how annoying it is when people look at you and expect you to be as perfect as perfect can get. Even sneezing could be considered a crime." He said and I laughed.  

          "Yeah, maybe you'll find your picture on the front of the new Yorks times. " Crown Prince Ian Northridge Sneezes At An International Meeting, is the Royal family having problems? " " I said and he chuckled a bit.

           "That's a little too extreme but then it's something they can surely do, I won't be surprised I would get lashed out if I mistakenly dash my foot against a stone" he said and I realized that was the life I just subscribed to. A life where I had to be an embodiment of Perfect, a life where I had to live like I was created in a special department in heaven. The thought was scary as hell and I ju..... I stopped in my thoughts when I found dear Prince Ian standing in all shirtless glory in front of me and going through his closet for a shirt. I felt my throat getting dry. Has he been working out since he was born?, why did I follow him into the room?, why didn't he go into the bathroom?, why did he not tell me to leave?. Wait!, why did I even follow him into 'his' room?. Oh Snow!, I looked away immediately, fiddling with my blouse.

          "Let's go" he said and I looked up to see him fully dressed in dark jeans and maroon polo shirt and black sneakers. This guy sure knew how to make a girl hypoxic, living with him would surely do a number on my health status. Dear Lord ,help me, save me.

       I grabbed my purse and I dashed out of his room as fast as I could and I sped downstairs. I noticed he had a car key in his hand and I shook my head as he walked over to the garage.

     "No no no Ian. No cars please, I'm getting fat already. I need to walk" I said and he raised his brow.

     "There's a gym inside, why don't you work out?" He asked looking at me like I was a child caught stealing candy.

      "I don't like gyming. I prefer the natural way, that way I can kill two birds with one stone. I'll save transportation fee and also shed weight. See?" I said and he shook his head.

      "You do realize there's no need to for you to save transport fare any more right? and besides I don't even see the weight you're talking about. You're as thin as a twig" He said and I gave him the stink eye.

      "Can you just lets be normal for once. I can bet there is no normal looking car in that garage, it's probably filled with all these high class cars and I just really want to be normal. Let's walk and take cabs....like every other normal person" I said and he sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

      "Fine.. But you do realize that every normal person wishes for a car right?, it's a necessity in our world of today" He said and I really wasn't into his whole lecture about wants and needs. I hated and still hate economics.

      "Whatever. Can you shut up about the car now and let me focus on walking?" I said and he glared at me for a minute before he shut up. Finally, beautiful silence.

        "So where do you think we should go first. A restaurant or a mall?, I haven't had lunch and I'm sure you've not either since you've been hiding in that study of yours" I said and he licked his lips.

      "I wasn't hiding Snow. I don't hide and even if I would, why would I hide from you, you only hide from people you're scared of" he said and it was !y turn to glare at him.

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