Chapter Two

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I shoved my last 2" binder into my bookbag and slung it over my shoulder. My mother helped me out the door and down our steps where I waited in the driveway for my neighbor. Her kid was just starting sixth grade (I was startng seventh) and was going to the same school as me. I awkwardly hopped into the car as my mom talked to Mrs. Johnson. I sat down in the last row of seats in the back of their minivan. "Hi Emma!" squeaked a voice from the front of the car. "Hi Isabel" I responded back. I felt the engine turn on and knew we were off to school. Most people get excited about this day. I was terrified. "Okay, have a good day girls!" Mrs. Johnson said in a sweet little voice once we pulled up into the parking lot. Isabel politely helped me out of the car and led me into the school. "Bye!" she said. And just like that I was left alone in what I thought was the hallway. I was standing there like a lost puppy, hoping someone would come and rescue me. "Are you Emma?" boomed a voice from behind me. I spun around and nodded yes. "Hi, I am the principal: Mr. Michaels" he said. I waved, feeling very awkward. "Your parents had contacted me prior to the first day of school. I will assign someone to help you around and show you where your classes are." he continued. "Okay" I said meekly. He showed me my locker (it seemed very small) and my homeroom class. I stood near the door way while Mr. Michaels explained to the teacher about my "little problem". "Welcome Emma!" said the teacher with a comforting voice. "Just take a seat over here, we will wait for all the other students to come in". I nodded back. After about 5 minutes I heard a large crowd of students coming down the halls and pouring into the classroom. "Please take a seat!" the teacher yelled. "I am Miss Watson, your homeroom teacher. Today we are going to be on a different schedule than usual. You will be in here most of the day. Your actual class switching will start tomorrow." kids starting whispering with one another. "You may walk around the room for a little bit and get to know each other". I just sat in my desk, hoping class would be over soon.

"Hey" a boy said, obviously talking to me. I was looking downward at the floor.

"Hi" I said quietly.

"Hello? I'm up here!" he exclaimed.

 "Sorry, I'm blind" I stammered back.

"Nice to meet you  blind, I'm Robert" he explained.

After finding his output hand, I shook it.

"Well my name isn't actualy bl-"

"Ya know!" he interuppted, "you can come and sit by me!"

"No that's fine I actua-"

"Oh good!" he interjected again, "there's a seat right here!"

He plopped down next to me and rambled on about himself. He has one sister in 5th grade, his mom's name is Cheryl, his dad's name is Robert too, he has one cat named Harold, he got a phone when he was 10 years old, his birthday is August 15th so he is already 13, and blah blah blah. I barely got a chance to talk the whole homeroom period. And I actually didn't mind that.

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