The Lights

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"What's your connection to this girl?" Dawson asked as soon as the door shut.

"It's a bit of a long story." Jay said

"She said it was her foster father so I checked the records and got an address." Upton said.

"Burgess, Dawson, Ruzek and Atwater go check it out." Voight ordered. "Is this connection going to impact your ability to work this case?" He asked Jay.

"No." Jay said.

"Go ask the girl if she can think of anywhere else he might be." Voight ordered.

"Hey." Jay said opening the door to the break room.

"Where did everyone go?" Jessica asked.

"They went to try and find your foster father." Hailey said. "Speaking about him, is there anywhere else he might go?" She asked.

"He spends most of his time at the pub down the block." Jessica said.

"Does he have a job, a cabin you visited?" Jay asked.

"He got fired a couple months back and I've never been away with him." Jessica said. "There was this one time he disappeared for a couple of days, last July I think it was. But you never know, he might've just got arrested or something."


"Anything?" Upton asked as Atwater and Burgess came back up the stairs.

"He wasn't at the house or the pub Jessica told us about." Atwater said. "Dawson and Adam are talking with neighbours."

"What's in the bag?" Upton asked, noticing the backpack slung over Burgess' shoulder.

"I figured I would bring Jessica some stuff from home, plus Jay asked me to pick up her laptop anyway." Burgess explained.

"Jay's with her now if you want to take it in." Upton said.

"Hey, Kim this is Jessica. Jessica this is Kim." Jay introduced as Burgess knocked on the door.

"Hi." Burgess said with a small smile. "I was just at your foster fathers place and figured I'd grab some stuff for ya." She said, handing the bag to the girl.

"Thanks." Jessica said. "I don't suppose you got my laptop, I've got some school work I need to do." She asked, opening the bag.

"Jay asked me to pick it up anyway." Kim said as the girl found the laptop.

"You go do your job." Jessica said, taking Jay's attention as Kim left. "As I said I've got a load of work to do."

"Come get me if you need me." Jay said.

Jessica logged onto her laptop, that was far too secure for a seventeen-year-old, in a few seconds and opened an old word document just in case someone walked in. In a few keystrokes, she had a new page open and was hacking into the local hospital records. Once she was in she entered her newly found brother's name into the search bar. Outside the room, Dawson and Atwater had come back.

"Nothing from the neighbours, they said it looked like a normal father and daughter who prefer to keep to themselves." Atwater said.

"The woman next door called 911 yesterday, the only issue is she's almost 80 and can't hear a thing. It was her son who heard the fight yesterday, he's here visiting from Florida." Dawson said.

"We've got nothing on our end, there's a BOLO out on him and his car but nothing come from it." Ruzek said.

"What about his phone?" Jay asked, desperate for a lead.

"He turned it off." Ruzek said. "You could probably find its last ping but it's beyond our training." Ruzek said with a shrug.

"Give me one second." Jay said, getting an idea. "Hey, Jessica." He said, writing the number down on a post-it before going into the break room and closing the door behind him.

"Hey." Jessica said, closing the hospital records and opening the word document.

"Do you know how to track a phone number?" Jay asked.

"Is it turned off?" Jessica asked, assuming that was why he was asking her. "The best I can do is where it was turned off." She said, her hands flying across the keyboard.

"We can work with that." Jay said, watching her over her shoulder as she loaded up the page she needed. He handed her the post-it and watched her type her foster fathers number into the system.

"The last ping was half an hour ago." Jessica said as an address came up on the screen. "This is his isn't it."

"Yeah." Jay said, writing the address on the back of the post-it.

"Actually I might be able to do a bit better." Jessica said, typing in a few more lines. "That building is a self-storage unit." She said before typing a few more words and the name of her foster father in. "But he doesn't have a unit there." She said, turning to face him.

"How many laws did you just break?" Jay asked with a small smirk.

"Hacking into the CPD database is technically legal right now because I could've just used your login so only one." Jessica said, not mentioning the other tab she had open where she had hacked into his friend's medical records.

"That's alright then." Jay said, ruffling her hair and leaving the room. "Hey Sarge, we might have a lead." He said knocking on Voight's door. "His phones last ping was at a self-storage unit, but get this, there's not a unit registered under his name." Jay said. 

"How long ago was this?" Voight asked.

"Half an hour ago." Jay said.

"Take Upton, Burgess and Dawson and check it out." Voight ordered.


Jay had been gone around five minutes and Ruzek had a craving for coffee.

"Hey, Kev, you want a coffee?" He asked, pushing his chair back and standing up.

"I'm good thanks." Atwater said.

"Hey, Jessica right?" Ruzek said as he opened the break room door to be met by startled eyes. "I'm Adam I work with Jay, I just came in to get a coffee."

"Okay." Jessica said, turning her attention back to her laptop.

"What are you watching?" Ruzek asked, catching sight of the screen and standing behind her to get a better view as he waited for the coffee to boil.

"Its live footage from a major highway somewhere, I like to watch the lights come and go. Find it kind of relaxing." Jessica said, realising how strange that sounded.

"Nice laptop." He commented.

"Thanks, its custom. A friend of mine made it for me at mates rates after my old one was mysteriously smashed." Jessica said.

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