#2 A great team

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{Third Person POV}

Friday Literature class had ended and before Professor Bagwell could complete his sentence the bell rang and all the students swarmed out for the end of the day. Shannon had stayed behind after class and sat on the desk infront of Professor Bagwells. He tilted his head ever so slightly toward her. "Did you forget something Miss Tudor?" He questioned in a confused yet pleased tone of voice, to which she responded with a frown. "Your coming to my house for tutoring tonight right? You promised on Wednesday." She pouted ever so slightly, making the Professor chuckle lightly. "Ah yes. Tutoring. Well I will meet you at your house, make sure to let your parents know." He spoke in a gentle tone of voice whilst packing up. "Oh they won't be home." She smiled politely towards him, making him shiver. "So can't we walk to my house together? It's only five minutes away." Shannon spoke, hoping to convince him. "I mean I wish I could but it's against what I'm allowed to do as a Professor." Shannon sighed and turned on her heel. "Well I guess I'll have to walk alone... in the dark... where a predator could be hiding and attack." She pretended to sniff sadly. "Well I mean... I could if it was to ensure student safety." He snatched his briefcase off the computer desk and followed Shannon out of the gates. "So Sir... how comes I've never heard about you before? None of us were notified of your presence." Shannon questioned, Bagwell quickly thought. "Well you see... my uncle is one of the governors of this school and as I am a man of literature he decided to slip me into being a teacher seeming as I needed work, no questions asked." "Okay second question, what made you come to London? I mean your accent clearly isn't from here." She giggled amusingly which sent a tingle down his spine. "To escape." He spoke bluntly and walked faster. "Okay third question..." she stood infront of him and watched his expressions, he tried to hide any form of feelings he had toward her. She watched him with an intense glare, making him gulp. Shannon burst out laughing and continued walking. "Never mind." She popped out her keys from her bag and unlocked the door, allowing him inside.

{T-Bags POV}

Her presence was driving me crazy, my mind raced as I followed her into her house. I watch her walk away into the living room and I shut the door, locking it before following her. The room reeked of incense but her scent seemed to wriggle through to my nostrils, bypassing all the pungent smells. I watched her delicate hands spread the array of texts books across the coffee table before perching down comfortably on her plush sofa. "So, I thought maybe we could work some more on analysing texts from the play." Shannon spoke with an upbeat tone of voice but the words where blurred with visions of words I wish would push past her lips. I slowly snap back to reality as she clicks her fingers infront of me, bringing me out of my trance. "Professor? Are you okay?" She spoke, almost concerned. "Yes yes, just tired that's all." I fake yawned and then finally smiled. "Well... I mean if you need a minute to gain your energy back I'll just get changed into my night clothes." Shannon quickly rushes over to the bathroom which was in clear sight, she attempts to close the door but a crack in the door intrigued me further as I peak through it from a distance, putting on my glasses. "You know sir I really appreciate you taking your time into helping me study." She said as she slowly wiggled her skirt and tights off, I bit my lip and smirked. "Oh it's my pleasure..." i spoke calmly but a slightly growl follows as at this point she is only wearing a bra and undies. She quickly gets changed into her pjs, hammering on about school matters which I decide to block out, enjoying the view. She finally steps out of the bathroom and I pretend to examine the text books. Shannon brought out this file with personal school details on it which helped her answer the questions on the front of the paper the date on it read 'January 6th 2001' I smirked more as I realised that she was 18, anything that i do to her is legal. Well almost. She wrote elegantly on the front of the paper and turned the page, observing the question whilst I observed the room, I see a badge on the book shelf followed by a dozen rewards, a few belonging to her and the rest belonging to PC Tudor. The word fuck raced in my brain at a million miles an hour. "It's useless." She groaned and slammed the question book down so hard I jumped back slightly. "Well hang on a second, let me have a look." I slid the book over to myself and read the first question 'Tick four of the eight statements based on what you read in the extract.' My eyebrows furrowed, this was easy, I know four year olds that could do this. I looked towards her as she held her head in her hands. I tut and laugh lightly, I knew what was going on here. "Now now missy, reading over this here text I have come to a conclusion. You are rather playing me for a fool or you are one." I smirk slightly waiting for a reaction. She peered slightly towards me and sat up. "And your a fool if you think you've put the wool over my eyes 'Professor Bagwell' if I should even call you that." She spoke with a dark tone of voice at the last part. I stood their in slight shock yet slightly aroused. "Theodore Bagwell, accountable for dozens of murdered and raped children. Not to mention he's recently escaped from Fox river Pen-" I quickly cover her mouth, using so much force she is forced to lay down on the couch with me hovering over her. "Now listen here little missy, you tell anyone about what you have miraculously discovered well let's just say I'll be forced to become a global criminal." I growled slightly, I could feel a slight smirk on her lips so I let her go, sitting up as she still laid their. A light chuckle passed her lips as she sat up, hair slightly messy. "Well then... it seems we may have a predicament. I have valuable information that could set you up for another marathon to another country, and you just happen to be in the house of a student, whose father is an officer. Now I could take the opportunity to scream to high heaven and every cop which is imbedded in this neighbour hood could swarm in here. But I think we could come to an agreement here." She smirked mischievously, I liked this side of her. I looked at her dead in the eyes and waited for her to complete her sentence. "Well it cant be an A in English lit... I looked over your records. You seem to be doing amazingly in it, I just assumed you wanted an A star." I rose a brow confused at what a girl her age would want from an older male like me. She suddenly smiled innocently. "The time will come where I shall reveal that information to you. But that time is not now." One she stood up I could see the butt of a gun peek out from the hem of her shorts. I blinked once again in surprise. "Aren't you a bit young to have a licence for that?" I chuckled, pushing her a little further. "She looked at the gun and laughed. "I'm 18 remember? I saw you looking for my birth date when I brought out the file. Why do you think it was so close to you? So you could right down my student identification number?" She laughed once again. "No. But also this is London, your not allowed guns unless your an officer. Like my father as you may of guessed." She nodded and looked over the trophies. "Do you sing Professor?" She looked towards me slightly, her back turned to me. "I have been known to write a few songs of my own, Yes." "Well you had a lot of time in prison I presume. See, I've been a performer every since I was 3 years old. Mainly singing." She nodded whilst observing the trophies. I was confused as to what the point of this conversation was. "I'm just making small talk, we have an hour session remember? It's only been 15 minutes and I clearly don't need help with my literature." She chuckled menacingly, and walked back over to me and sat next to me on the couch. "So now answer how you really got into being a teacher so fast." I gulped and looked towards her. "I threatened to reveal some personal information which could have led to your head teacher being tossed into jail." I nodded lightly towards her. "I see. So you became a teacher for the sake of being a teacher or because of all the young boys and girls?" She spoke with amusement. "Just to become a teacher." I responded in a harsher tone of voice.

{Shannon's POV}

I had I'm in my palm of my hand, and god did it feel good. I heard his sharp tone of voice which cut through the air like a machete slicing a watermelon. "What's wrong? Are you getting frustrated Sir?" I heard a growl come from deep within his throat. "Now listen here miss-" "No! This time you listen to me. I'm the one with the gun here, now who are they gonna believe a dead escaped convict or an innocent young girl who was being attacked reaching for her daddy's pistol as self defence?" I rose a brow, I wasn't going to hurt him, but he didn't have to know that. He sighs and laid back chuckling, lazily holding his hands up. "You got me. Well done. Are you going to turn me in?" "No you know I won't, I'm not a snake." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "But I'd have no problem in killing someone." I smirked lightly towards him to see him trying not to smirk back. "Now I have a question." He leans closer to me, his brown eyes dark and full of mischief. "When did you become so... twisted?" He chuckled darkly and I smirked about to answer until I heard the door begin to open. "Shit..." I grabbed his hand and pulled him up stairs and pushed him into my parents room. "Stay in here and don't make a noise." I quickly slammed the door and locked it. I look down stairs to see it's my dad. "Hey sweet pea. I forgot my phone, you haven't seen it have you?" He questioned me and I shook my head. "No, do you want me to call it?" "Please." I quickly grabbed my phone and called it and it began to ring, the tone suddenly began to ring from my parents room.

{Third Person POV}

T-Bag had heard the entire conversation, he spotted the phone before it rang and quickly grabbed it, putting it on silent seconds after the noise first went off. Shannon's father began to walk up the stairs and Shannon quickly unlocked the door and slid her hand through the door and made a 'give it to me gesture' to which T-bag placed it in her palm and she quickly snatched it. "Here you go!" She smiled innocently and handed to him. PC Tudor looked suspicious but nods and kissed her forehead. "I'll see you at 9 sweet pea. Your mum should be home around 8." He nods and left the house. Shannon and T-bag both exhaled in relief before she opened the door and let him out. "Close call." She nodded. "We make a good team." T-bag smirked and edged slightly towards her. Shannon chuckled lightly and looked up at him. "Yeah we do. Imagine all the things we could do." She spoke wistfully making the con hum slightly under his breath. They both stood their and admired each other for a few more seconds before her watch beeped. "Ah... hours up." She nods lightly. He smiled lightly in response "So it is." Shannon showed him out the door and they both waved goodbye.

{T-Bags POV}

As I left the building I began to walk down the dark streets, lowering my head so no one in the neighbourhood would recognise me and could identify me leaving her house. As I got to my apartment I sat down and huffed. I looked at my front pocket which slightly bulged in the shape of a flower. I picked it out from my pocket, it was coloured paper shaped into a rose. I opened it up and smirked at what was inside, it was a date, a time and a place along with a phone number. I turned it round to see a P.S. it read 'P.S. ever since I got out of prison." I blinked in shock, the answer to my question before her dad appeared. But how? She was only 18? I was intrigued to know more about her, I needed to know more.

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