Chapter 3

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"Fuck me George!"

Now you're probably wondering how I, George Washington, got into this situation...

It all started the day after Cleopatra's death. It was a normal school afternoon, and I was heading to debate club. But, to my surprise, it was canceled!

"Yeah..." Genghis told me, "The teach got sick. I'm headin' to football practice though, bye!"

Well, that sure is unfortunate. You see, I told my mother to pick me up much later, and she has work today, so she can't pick me up earlier. I must find a way to stall time...

"George!" I hear a voice from across the hall.

"Lincoln?" I realize who it is immediately.

He walks towards me with a jolly step, his big top hat secured on his head. "I heard debate club's cancelled today! You don't have anything to do after school now, huh?"

"Mm, no. I need to stall time until my ride gets here..."

"How about you come to theater club with me?" He grabbed my arm excitedly and pulled me to the theater.

I observed my surroundings and see Vincent Van Gogh, what a weirdo. He's talking to Tesla, like they always do. They are so interesting, actually. The way they have that perfect...ah...what is it? Chemistry, yes. Perhaps I want a little bit of that too.

Nikola Tesla's POV

"...Anyways, that's why Panic! at the Disco is better than Nicki Minaj." Vincent had just finished his very intelligent essay on mainstream music versus emo music. His smarts is really attractive sometimes...

"Oh!" Vincent looked at his phone notifications, "My dad's here. Bye, I'll see you tomorrow."

And with that, I was totally alone. I had nothing to do and my mom wasn't here yet. I'm so bored without Vincent. Oh well, I'll just start scrolling through FurAffinity in the meantime. Something caught my eye, though. It was... George and Lincoln?

They were walking to the theater. That's weird! George has debate, why is he going into the theater...? Well, maybe I'll just investigate.

I snuck behind them and saw them sit down together in the theater.

George's POV

"So, what do you do in theater club?" I always saw theater and the arts as useless subjects. If they just put their minds into something beneficial, like math or sciences, the world could be so much better. I couldn't really say that Lincoln face, though.

"Well, right now we're rehearsing. Ever heard of the play "Alyssa taking a shit by Midnight"?" Lincoln sat next to me, it seems like he's waiting for more people to come.

"No?" I'm not well versed in something like drama...

"Well, it's an interesting play that we want to act out right here!" Lincoln smiled, "I'm the main character, isn't that exciting!"

"Sounds fun. So I guess I'll just be here watching, right?"

"If you want to..." Lincoln was looking at all his clubmates flood into the theater, but his eyes were shifting left and right. He was looking for someone. "Aww... The person who deals with the curtains isn't here today... Oh! George! Can you help us with that?"

"I-I'm not really good at that sort of stuff..." My face was turning a bit red..

"It's easy, silly! You'll be behind the curtain, no one will see you. Just pull the rope!"

"Um... I suppose I wouldn't mind helping..."

Apparently, the club leader would give me directions on when to move the curtain.

"Thank you very much for being the replacement." The club leader, William Shakespeare, bowed at me, "I know you do not often partake in activities like this, so it's much appreciated for you to help out when we need it."

During the rehearsal, I couldn't help but stare at Lincoln. A few times, I lagged behind when it came to pulling the curtain because I was so absorbed in Lincoln's actions. He's just so beautiful sometimes...

Nikola Tesla's POV

I sneaked into the theater and sat in the very back. I was watching them rehearse a play.

"And now! We will present 'Alyssa taking a shit by Midnight!'" Someone on the stage said. That's cool, I read that in my literature class. I wonder what it would be like on stage.

The play went nicely and the theater kids began to pack up. I watched George and Lincoln carefully. Where were they going?

George Washington's POV

We waited by the school, waiting for my ride. Lincoln was kind enough to wait with me. It was silent, and I heard my heart beating. Butterflies were swirling around in my stomach... Do I really...

"Hey." Lincoln interrupted my rather embarrassing thoughts, "Wanna come to my house? You can tell your mom to pick you up at my house, its not that far from the school."

So off we went. His house was a couple blocks from the school and no one was home when we opened the door. "Where are your parents?" I asked.

"Ah, they're just out. Now we have time to do whatever we want!" Lincoln said.

We walked to his room and sat down on the bed. And then Lincoln, while I looked in his shimmering eyes...

Nikola Tesla POV

Huh!? Now they're heading down the street? I think they're going to Lincoln's house!!

I followed them, what were they doing together? I sneaked through the bushes as they walked down the street.

Then, I watched them through the window, and I saw...

George Washington POV

"I think I love you!" Lincoln said to me passionately~

I was in shock.

"I..I do too! I didn't think you'd return my totally gay feelings!!" I said, then we made out. We caressed each other with our lips, and then I inserted my tongue in his mouth, passionately choking him, but he was totally into it. Kinky boy...

He moaned out, "Fuck me George!"

And only then, did I know what to do...

Nikola Tesla POV

They were... What were they doing? It sex!

Was that George's dick? And it was... That's Lincoln's asshole! Lincoln seems to be enjoying it. I imagined the same thing with me and Van Gogh, but he isn't gay... Am I gay!? Well, maybe I can get him to fuck me just like that, I bet he has a dick just as big as George's...

I have to thank watching George Washington and Abraham Lincoln for my sexual awakening.

A/N: OH MY GOD!! 😍😍😍😍💕💕💕₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡ this is SOOOO adorable, i know it got a little spicy~~~😩😩😩 but my cute sinnamon gay babies!!! i luv them!!!! anyways, i hope u guys enoyed this story!!! 😘😘😘

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