1/ Chased Out By Cult? part 1

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So I agreed once again to go and film a video with my boyfriend Colby and best friend Sam. Dumb idea!

We sat in the garage researching the place in which we were about to visit. I sat by Matt and Elton. 
"All I know is at the end of the trail is a mansion or estate. That's why it's called Cobb estate," Sam says looking at the camera. 
"That was destroyed into ruins. But like, everyone also says that it's like super haunted especially at night," Sam finishes. 
"The forest that surrounds this trail is called enchanted forest" Sam explains. 
Mat grunts out of sheer uneasiness. I cringe and crawl under the table just for dramatics. I climb out and go stand behind the camera and everyone sits comfortably on the couch now. 

We decide it's time to go. We get in the car with me in the middle seat in the back. We drive there all laughing and joking. Until we get two blocks away, the car goes silent. I look at what's ahead and it looks all kind of normal. Then we get closer. We pull up after the boys finish talking. We get out of the car and Sam stands under a sign about littering and Colby makes a joke. 
"I think we just need to make a statement about Elton's jacket," Sam says. 
"We don't need to, that thing IS a statement," I say and just look at Elton. He's in a fur cape with gloves to match. What. An. Idiot.

I roll my eyes and laugh. 
"You guys always having something cool on, like your masks or hoodies so I wanted to wear something cool too" Elton mumbles. 
"You really are something Elty" I shake my head at the ground. We joke around a bit and then Elton makes a race joke. 
"Jokes on you, I'm already white....on the inside," Matt says and we laugh. 

"Speaking of black things," Colby says. Elton and Matt both do some kind of scream and laugh. We all laugh and again he tries to cover up his mistake. We all laugh again. 
"I didn't mean it guys!" he yells at the camera. Then he goes back to plugging the merch. My idiot. We get to the gate and make a few more jokes. Colby then mentions us doing research and I assume will enter a clip in editing. But in real time we head up the trail. We all start walking and I have my arm linked with Sam's my other holding onto his bicep. We get colder with every step. 
"It's a little nippy" Colby mutters. 
"Really I feel fine, " Elton comments. 
"You warm in there?" I ask with a hint of seriousness. 
"I feel like I'm inside a bear," Elton says. Are you for real? That's his response?

Sam stops walking and I let go and were about to keep walking when Colby asks Sam what's up. 
"Seriously? None of you heard that?" he asks. I shake my head slowly. Sam looks behind him. 
"Someone screamed-" Sam starts "yo. It's going out of focus on your face" Colby tells Sam. Sam unhunches his shoulders. 
"Guys," he says plainly. 
"We literally walked four steps in!" I say loudly. 
"This happened last video" Colby shakes his hand at Sam.  Matt makes a disapproving 'mm, mmm' sound and shakes his head with puckered lips. 
"So it's enchanted making screams and making focus problems," Sam says waving a hand in front of his face. I take Colby's arm this time. '

I'm low key afraid to stand around Sam when the camera doesn't focus on him. I can't be the only one who thinks it's got something to do with all his three AM videos? 
"I have something to say about this giant light of yours," Elton says, "if something were to attack us from your side I'd be dead," we all laugh. "It's like a floating camera" Sam nods. 
"This is a killer's best situation right here. You blind us" Elton says. Colby turns the camera off. 
"Don't say that because she's in the dark area we can't see," Matt says pointing where I would roughly be. 
"A little to your left" I whisper so he points at me. Colby, I guess thinks about this too and shines the light around me so he can check. 

"You good?" he asks. "Yeah fine" I answer. He nods and we keep walking. 
"This is what they call the enchanted forest aye?" Colby says with the camera on and he looks around. There are only a few trees here and there. I snicker and keep walking. I wished Colby would give Sam the camera so I could hold his hand. I was a little freaked out. 
"I don't see that many trees to be honest," Colby says into the camera, "there's one," he says. We all chuckle. "Don't look so enchanted to me," Matt says in a deep and funny voice. 
"But it looks enchanted because of Elton" Sam comments and we laugh. 

"You look like you own the forest," Matt says and Elton spins with his arms out. 
"Welcome my children," Elton says in a growl and we laugh. Colby looks at me while keeping the camera forward. I look at his hands which are holding the camera and he shrugs lightly. We walk on for a long while. Sam and Colby finally switch and I race forward. Colby has barely even passed Sam the camera and I'm already trying to grab Colby's hand. He laughs and takes it and we keep walking. Our hands get cold so Colby puts them inside his pocket. 

Elton hears a kyote and I die inside. We hear something and Colby take off pulling me along with him and the boys all shout. I didn't hear it. They stop and I hear a scream. I inhale and Colby covers my mouth. I don't scream. I find myself in this situation a lot. I'm a fraidy cat, that scream when I'm scared, who does that? Anyway. We see a group of people gathered around a light. The boys point at it. I look at the people and one of then twitches in a weird way. I step behind Colby as he walks up behind us. 

"Did she just say help me?"

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