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waiting | changbin



"look at me."


before i could plop another honey soy chip into my mouth, chan stole it and ate it himself while trying to give me a death stare, which didn't work well when you have your mouth full and your glares look more like a grandmother who lost at bingo. "when are you going to stop being so stubborn and come to class?" he questioned, a sigh escaping his lips as he rested his chin in the palm of his hand, using his elbow to lean on the brick wall that separated us. i only shrugged in response, although he knew very well that i so badly wanted to say 'never'. while he knew that, he also must have noticed how eager i've been to come to the academy. i had to admit, coming to the academy did give my days a bit of spice - something fun to do. before the offer to attend, i had been standing around waiting. and i was honestly sick of waiting.

waiting for what?

waiting for something exciting to happen. waiting for a motivation - maybe even waiting for a sign. whether that sign was a miracle, maybe even a person, i didn't care. i just needed something so that i could stop waiting for something that didn't even know i was there. i needed an opportunity to become noticed by whatever i was waiting for, and this academy was it.

"come on... you never know - you could make new friends." chan encouraged with a smirk. i hated his smirks, honestly. i just wanted to slap them off his face for no reason whatsoever. all i knew is that it was definitely more of a teasing smirk than a reassuring grin.

"yeah... i'm pretty sure i decided not to make anymore friends after i met you and that disgusting lovey-dovey, touchy couple." i scoffed, rolling my eyes as he gave a dramatic gasp at my response. "i'm surprised that neither of them had lost their virginity yet... have you seen all those marks that hyunjin gives seungmin?" chan added, scrunching his face up. managing to relax, i stifled a light laugh and nodded in agreement, "they claim that they'd done nothing, but i see how he looks at seungmin before and after those damm marks appear."

"but we never know..." the silver-haired male grinned, pushing himself off of the brick wall. "they could always be lying about being virgins."

"nah. they only lie when they look like expressionless, dead serious robots who have rehearsed their excuses thousands of times. they're so flustered that they can't even look at one another whenever we talk about them doing the deed." i added, a mischievous smirk growing on my lips at my own words. my australian friend only chuckled, making his way up the stairs, holding his hand out for me to take. a frown immediately fell upon my features, remembering why he came in the first place. in all honesty, i love my friends. and i couldn't be anymore thankful for what they do for me, but at times like these, i remember all those things they've done and throwing this away might mean i miss certain opportunities along the way. big or small, i'll never know how much it'll come in handy in the future.

"so...?" he trailed off, nearing his hand to me. i sighed softly, carefully placing my hand in his and nodded, smiling a bit. "yeah, fine..." and just like that, his own widened, his eyes even disappearing. "great!"


as soon as chan and i entered the dance studio, my smile slightly faltered. eyes scanning the room, i heaved a heavy sigh, letting go of the aussie's hand by my side. nothing in particular really stood out in my eyes at that moment, since i had been looking around for seungmin and hyunjin, but as soon as i saw them, i began squinting. standing with them had been a third figure; an unfamiliar figure. great. i had thought with a soft sigh. i have to please more people.

"changbin!" seungmin called, waving his not-so free hand that held a chicken nugget. "come over here!"

"so you can get your chicken fucking nugget hands all over me?" changbin muttered, walking past them as he threw his shoulder bag into the corner of the dance studio. "as fucking if."

"how many times does he need to say 'fucking'?" hyunjin whispered, earning a shrug from seungmin. the third male just kept quiet, and his bright pink backpack almost blinded my eyes from the bling-bling dangling from it. he looked like he just got out of elementary school and stole a little girl's bag. his eyes were casted to the ground in awkward silence, [caw caw caw] so i couldn't really see them, and his golden hair basically covered his forehead and eyes anyway, which made him look like a .. lamb. saying it was cute would be an understatement, but at the moment, he was annoyed that the younger hadn't even tried to communicate. clearing my throat, his eyes immediately shot up and met mine, causing my breath to get sick in my throat when i saw how.. big and innocent his eyes truly were. they were a nice colour, i'll give him that, but with how timid he was, i was assuming i wouldn't even be abale to get a 'hello' from the kid.

"who're you?" i questioned, nodding towards him. his expression turned from dazed to confused in zero point five seconds. he looked around the room before slowly pointing to himself, gulping visibly when his adam's apple bobbed in his throat. "m-me?" he asked, very unsure with himself. if i were a cartoon, my jaw would've most literally dropped to the ground. his vocir was deep, for sure, yet a bit squeaky from how surprised he was. "no, the fucking person behind you." he immediately looked behind himself and stepped to the side so i was able to see chan properly. i tried not to smile at how oblivious this kid was and instead gave him the 'what the fuck are you doing' look. "i was being sarcastic, goldie."

"g-goldie?" he stuttered, almost offended, but i'd cut him off before he could say anything else.

"you're a smart one, aren't you?" i sighed, chuckling as i stretched out a hand. "the name is changbin."

"felix." he murmured, shaking my hand with that dazed and innocent look of his again, chocolate brown eyes finding their way to mine with a sly smile.

"i've been waiting for you."

a/n : shut up.

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