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k-drama | no one's p.o.v.

"mY CHICKEN NUGGETS!!" was the first thing felix heard when hyunjin pushed the double doors open to a large practice room. it seemed almost the same as every other room in the academy, if you don't count theory classrooms, which are usually occupied by first and second year students. felix's eyes were instantly filled with amazement and wonder at the sight of students from three different genres of dance all communicating and talking to each other. it sounds rather immature, but it was rare for students in different classes to befriend each other in the academy.

taking in the sight, he tightened his grip on hyunjin's hand. the male smiled at him as he looked away shyly, a soft blush on his cheeks.

yes. he was already crushing.

he was known for falling for people easily. his friends were mainly concerned because he seemed to fall in love with people based from their first impression, meaning he could end up dating someone he doesn't seem like who they're trying to be...
in other words, felix's gay ass hormones were going crazy during this time of his life, and god did he need someone to shut his whinny voice up about being single. woojin was pretty sure that the last time they had a decent conversation without having to mention a cute guy the aussie saw walk past was about ten months ago.

"thank you," felix muttered. hyunjin only grinned as a sign that he didn't mind. he felt like he could stare into his eyes forever. but forever doesn't exist...

"hyunjin!~" a voice called. the blonde haired male frowned in confusion and dissatisfaction when hyunjin let go of his hand, but what upset him the most was that another boy had ran over to him and basically jumped into his arms, making them both fall over in the process. it wasn't like felix wasn't used to seeing a gay couple, because oh god, was he very used to seeing them. but seeing that happen right in front of his salad wasn't something he was going to have. and so, he cleared his throat to get their attention. after what seemed like an eternity of the two giggling and staring at each other, they both clumsily rose to their feet, lacing fingers, letting their palms kiss.

a/n: ok, so up to this point, this chapter will be written in felix's point of view, because i find it difficult to write in third person,,, only because like- it's easier to describe emotions, thoughts, so and so.

i frowned slightly at the sight; not of anger or jealousy. more of confusion. looking up from their hands to their face, i could see their cheesy smiles spread onto their lips, the newly found male becoming flustered under hyunjin's soft gaze. "who's this?" i asked, sounding quite enthusiastic to know. truth be told, i kind of was. despite falling for hyunjin's charming smile just minutes ago, i also felt like i was the viewer of a live k-drama; i'm just a sucker for romance.

"this?" hyunjin hummed, arching an eyebrow as he held up their intertwined hands. "this is seungmin~ my boyfriend." he gestured to the redhead who bowed politely. his gentle and kind smile seemed to be contagious as i handed one of my own back in his direction. "kim seungmin. second year, tap dancer!" he introduced excitedly. i could feel all of his positive energy just radiate off of his skin, giving me shivers - he was just so positive and happy. deciding to introduce myself as well, i bowed back, repeating what i had told hyunjin. "ooo~ felix? sounds like a foreign name." seungmin pointed out, making hyunjin frown. he slowly turned to me, tilting his head. "now that i think about it... it does."

"ah," i chuckled awkwardly at the innocent and confusion looks i was given, rubbing the back of my neck before explaining. "my parents are korean, but they moved to australia when they had me. i came here for a visit - which is a few years... since my aunty and uncle are here, and my parents couldn't come with me."

"i see! explains a lot," seungmin giggled, earning an overdramatic gasp fron hyunjin who placed his hand over his chest, pretending he was getting attacked. the younger looked at him with worry, tilting his head. "jinnie? what's the ma-" a quick kiss was planted on his lips from the taller male, making his face go completely red. "your giggle just melts my heart!" hyunjin grinned, his compliment causing seungmin to hide his face in his chest. "shut up..."

"wow," i breathed out, listening to them and watching how cute they were being. it only reminded me of how pathetically single i was - the fact that i had fallen for hyunjin just minutes ago without having to know him for at least an hour yet kind of stuck to me. i had many experiences like that, yet i have never dated anyone. the two in front of me made me feel like the secondary character in a love story, maybe even the antagonist at first. in all honesty, i was just lovesick for a love that i never had, so in that sense, you could say that i just wanted someone to take care of me and for them to be affectionate with me almost twenty four seven. at least to be cute like hyunjin and seungmin were...


"hey," another male, with chubby cheeks and wide, brown eyes made his way over to us, a slight frown on his face. his hair looked like an unnatural mixture of hazelnut brown and blonde streaks - it was all flopped and messed up when he dragged his hand through the mop of hair. "have any of you guys seen chan?" he asked worriedly, frowning slightly. i copied his actions, but with more of a confused look, turning my head to hyunjin for answers. he didn't seem to notice my gaze and instead answered jisung with a shrug, "i think he's with changbin again. probably trying to convince him not to wag class again. you know how he reacted - he was pretty pissed about this whole mixed genres idea."

"why?" i spoke up, finally catching the boys' attention. hyunjin seemed to hesitate, pursing his lips into a thin line as he stared at the squirrel looking boy, who nodded as if giving him permission to tell me what was going on. their little silent conversation only added to my confusion. "what?" i questioned, hoping one of them would answer me this time. "changbin is strictly a 'street dancer', so it took a lot for chan to convince him to join the academy. chan, jisung and changbin are all in an underground street dancing group called '3racha' - they actually rap too." he explained, looking up at squirrel boy again. "he couldn't afford to join us here in the first place and was recently offered a scholarship for the academy when we got our headteacher to have a look at his skills, meaning we convinced him to see one of their street performances. he's angry because this year, we'll be learning all three ballet, hip hop and tap, when he joined specifically for hip hop..."

"oh," was all i could muster out, trying to process all the information i was given about this person who i had never met before. frowning, i looked up. "if he wanted just hip hop classes, why didn't he take the one on one teaching?" he shook his head at my question with an almost disappointed expression. "he doesn't do well with one on one. and he refused to do classes that didn't have chan and jisung-"

"me," squirrel boy added.

"you're chan?"

"jisung," he flashed a smile, making me embarrassed at my mistake, since i had just realized that they said chan was convincing the boy to attend classes. before i could say anything more silly, i ran a hand through my hand and continued on the hip hop kid topic. "why would he skip class if he got a scholarship to join two years in a row? isn't he, y'know... happy that he didn't have to scrape his money up to enroll?"

"i guess you could say that..." hyunjin sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. gently biting my bottom lip, i was put into deep thought about their friend, who i had already forgotten the name of, and found myself continuously running my fingers through my blonde locks.


a/n: i hate bowling.

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