Short Story: Beneath Rock and Stone

Start from the beginning

Regardless, she was now a royal and her father's duty since the day she had hatched, to protect and teach her all he knew, had not only been honored, but he'd done it well. Now it was his duty to step aside and let her gain prestige for herself.

He may advise her if asked, but she could not depend on him anymore. He had returned to mother's side with at least the pride of raising a daughter into an independent dragon. One who may become the heir to their faction. Might even, with incredible fortune or disaster, be chosen as Daughter-Queen and oversee the entire territory in time. Even if she should fail, he deserved praise for that alone.

He would dedicate his attention to lessening the burdens of his queen and would never again shadow Summer-Rain or any other daughter. The High-Queen had permitted their faction two Daughters-Royal, and two they now had. It was a fair number, though she would have preferred one less. But if that had been the decision, she wouldn't have been included. So she was content.

Summer-Rain would now have the freedom and restriction of managing with only what aid her reputation and actions gained her. She'd have to earn the respect of her Brothers, those few who were not already loyal to another Sister. She'd just have to grow accustomed to the loneliness until she found drakes she could trust as bodyguards.

"Or we could chose a scion now," her mind suggested. "Someone to fly and speak with. Someone to curl up with and keep the cold away. A red one perhaps, though bronze is quite nice too and not as smug as gold."

For a moment the idea was surprisingly agreeable, but the wistful thought was quickly overwhelmed and brought down by unwanted practicalities.

It was within her rights, but it would be entirely reckless to choose a possible consort presently. Not only foolish, but unlikely to succed with only her current appearance and prospects to entice suitors. Allying themselves to her now would be just as foolish as she'd be for picking one. Any drake worth more than the metal in his scales would wait. The cold, however, was something she could overcome with a bit of coal or wood.

The young dragon dug her claws and talons into the dirt and stretched her back and wings before grooming them gently. They weren't yet ready for flying, still needing some days for the bones to settle properly and the membrane to stretch. And though they looked sickly and frail, she still admired them with awe.

Finished, she lowered her eager jaws into the pit beside her plot of sand and discovered another consequence of her father's absence. There was no scent of meat or charring heat rising from the cavity of stones. Only after a desperate inspection of the pit with her tongue did Summer-Rain finally accept this depressing fate. There was no breakfast awaiting her, nor would any be forthcoming.

Her nose nudged the blackened rocks longingly for a moment, then swallowed this disappointment as well. She'd have to track down what her Brothers had left behind, if there was any to be found. She could hear the familiar noises of their work. Rocks clattering as they were dug up and rolled out of the tunnels. The better bits of breakfast digesting in their stomachs as they did.

Summer-Rain approached her small pool of water that gathered from a constant drip in her cavern's ceiling. It wasn't very noteworthy, even as far as puddles went, and she all but drained it with three swallows. It quenched her thirst, but gave her hunger further room to grow. So she abandoned her chambers in search of something to satisfy that hunger, be it food or distraction.


Her grand return to colony life was halted before even entering the main tunnels by the startling discovery of one of her Brothers who sat motionless in her path. She would have walked right into him if not for the glow of his warmth, the only sign that he was something living and not of stone and earth. She waited for some greeting or explanation for the drake's odd, and slightly discomforting, behavior. But he only sat and stared blindly forward for several moments.

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