Chap 7 "Wedding"

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Faye's POV
Two years had passed. The day of my wedding, I couldn't sleep. I got out of bed three hours earlier than usual. I quietly got it of bed and left the room. I heard my mom downstairs speaking Pashto. I went back into my room and turned on my lamp. "Okay," I sighed. Junior shifted in bed. I looked at him as he opened his eyes at me. "Hey. You could get a little more sleep."
"Come back to bed," he sighed.
"I gotta look into something," I smiled.
"Then will you come back to bed?" Junior asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. He sighed as I grabbed the notebook from my nightstand drawer. I looked through the many pages of notes that my dad had taught me in Pashto. My dad knew many different phrases here and there in Pashto since he did many tours in Afghan. He was could read and write in Mandarin, and he knows conversational Korean and Japanese. Whereas I am fluent in French, other than my normal American and Hawaiian language. "Let's see what you were saying." I could feel Junior's eyes on me. "I told you to go back to sleep."
"How do you do that?" Junior asked.
"It's a skill I learned," I smiled. "That's how I haven't missed a shot in my cases."
"What are you doing?" Junior scooted closer to me.
"I'm looking at my notes trying to piece together what I heard my mom say," I sighed. "She's downstairs on the phone, in a whisper. I don't know who she's talking to, but I know it's Pashto because I heard a few phrases." I look at my notes. "She's fine. We shouldn't be doing this. I love you." I nodded. "I don't know if I heard that right." I looked at the last phrase I remember her saying. "You need to come home."
"Why would your mom tell someone to come home in Pashto?" Junior asked.
"I don't know," I sighed. I put my notebook back and got in bed. Junior snuggled me. "I'll worry about it another day." I turned to face Junior. "Today is about us and our wedding day."
"Yes, ma'am," Junior stated.
"Stop," I smiled. Junior smiled and gave me a kiss. I turned back around so that we were spooning. I heard Junior let out a light snore. I kept thinking about why my mom had that conversation with someone and who was on the other end. I eventually drifted off and woke up to my phone ringing. I looked at it. "Junior, this number is from a SAT phone."
"Who has a SAT phone?" Junior groaned as he got up.
"I don't know," I shrugged. I got up and put the call on speaker. "Hello?" It was quiet but I can hear birds chirping. "Hello?" I looked at Junior. "I know someone's there. I can hear birds." The call ended. "Well, that was weird."
"Faye, Junior," Mom called. "Breakfast is ready."
"We'll be down in a little bit," I stated. "Come on." I took a shower and got dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. I went down to the kitchen and Mom had made breakfast for us. "Mom, you didn't have to do this."
"I haven't made breakfast for you since you left for college," Mom replied. "Come on. All you've been eating has been takeout."
"Because I don't have time to cook with the job," I stated as Junior sat next to me. "You can ask Junior."
"What is that?" Junior asked.
"I don't cook because we're always on the go," I replied.
"Oh, yeah," Junior nodded. "It's like one or twice in a month when she actually cooks a home-cooked meal."
"Faye can cook?" Mom asked.
"Yes, ma'am," Junior replied. "She's an amazing cook."
"Thank you," I smiled. "I had to learn since I was to myself in college." The doorbell rang. "I got it." I went to the front door and opened it. "Nick, why are you here?"
"I'm here because I need your help writing a song," Nick replied.
"For who?" I asked.
"For you," Nick looked at me.
"I can't help you write a song for me," I nodded. "Look, it's my wedding day and I just don't have the time due to my job."
"I never received an invitation," Nick sighed.
"Because you weren't invited," I looked at him. "After my dad passed, you just kinda slowly faded from my life. Since you did that, I found someone to love."
"Who are you getting married to?" Nick asked.
"Babe, we gotta get ready soon," Junior called.
"The Navy SEAL that you live with?" Nick asked.
"Yeah, he's the only one who's been there for me and turns out, he never left," I nodded. "Through everything, he's been honest, and kind and he actually listens to me. Not meaning obedience but listening about my day."
"You guys work together," Nick crossed his arms.
"Yeah, but we're not together through the whole case," I sighed. I looked at my watch. "Look, I gotta go get ready for my wedding. You have a good day, Nick." I closed the door and Junior walked into the room. "Hey."
"You ready?" Junior asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. We went up to the room. I got my dress on and did my makeup, limited to natural and did my hair with soft curls. We went down to the living room and Mom handed me my bouquet. "Thanks Mom."
"The whole family is out there," Mom smiled. "We'll see you at the alter."
"Okay," I smiled. Mom gave me a kiss on the cheek and went outside. "I'm glad you agreed to a small wedding."
"Of course," Junior nodded. "We can't afford a big one due to time with the cases we have."
"Or the timing we get them," I sighed.
"Don't worry about that," Junior replied. "This is our day, remember that."
"Always," I smiled. The music started playing. "Let's do this." Junior and I walked down the aisle together. Adam offered to walk me and so did Danny, but I decided I'd walk down with my forever best friend. We went through the ceremony. Chin and Kono even came back to Hawaii just for my wedding, after the ceremony, we met in the house. "I'm glad I only agreed to an ohana wedding."
"Well, the Princess of Monaco gets whatever she wants," Chin smiled.
"In terms, royalty does get whatever they want," I pointed. "But this princess grew up learning that everything doesn't get handed to you. You gotta work for it."
"I wish more princesses were like you," Kono replied.
"I thought we were keeping the princess thing on the downlow," a very familiar voice came from the front door. I looked at him. "Hi, princess."
"Dad?" I asked.
"I made it back to you," Dad nodded.
"Stop," Junior stopped me from going to him. "I watched you die."
"Maybe but some locals found me and helped me," Dad sighed. "I was still holding on for life."
"For two years," I looked at him. "It doesn't take two years to heal."
"I know," Dad looked at me. "I went to Monaco and took down the kidnappers and murderers that were at the place."
"You killed my parents' murderers and the guys who planned to kidnap me if I ever went back?" I asked.
"Yes," Dad nodded.
"Prove to us you are Steve," Kono stated.
"What did you sign your letters as before you signed Dad?" I asked. "When I received a letter from you on tour, you signed it a very specific way."
"I wrote your favorite hero," Dad replied. "You always thought I was Superman."
"It is you," I smiled. I gave him a hug and I tried not to break down. "Wait, then who did we bury?"
"An empty coffin?" Mom questioned.
"It wasn't empty," Danny nodded. "The thing weighed a ton."
"I don't know what you guys buried but it wasn't me," Dad replied.
"We're just glad you're okay," Chin replied.
"Good," Dad nodded. "I'm sorry I missed your wedding."
"You didn't miss anything," I shrugged. Our phones vibrated and we looked at it. "Seriously?"
"Time to go," Junior sighed. I took off the long skirt off my dress and now I have a short skirt. "Well, that works."
"It would take a while for me to change," I sighed. I opened the drawer and handed Junior his gun and badge. I put on my gun and badge. I grabbed another gun and badge and turned around. "Mom, do you mind?"
"It's okay," Mom smiled.
"Alright," I smiled. I walked up to Dad. "I would be happy for you to come back and lead us."
"Yes, please, ask the guy who put us through many suicide missions to lead again," Danny replied. "Can we just keep you as the leader?"
"No. You don't understand how much stress it was for me to run you guys for two years," I looked at Danny. "Trust me. With Junior as my witness, I would turn the leadership back over to Dad."
"She wanted to turn it over to you a couple times, but I told her you'd be nagging all day," Junior shrugged.
"Nice job on the guy," Dad replied.
"He's a keeper," I smiled. "He kinda reminds me of you but he's not as crazy."
"He's a maniac," Danny replied.
"Let's go," Dad nodded. "I'm driving, Danny."
"Okay," Danny sighed.
The team left. "You going to get going, Faye?" Mom asked.
"You're not going to leave since Dad's back, are you?" I asked.
"Of course not," Mom hugged me. "I'll be sleeping in the guest room just like I've always had."
"Thanks for being here, Mom," I smiled. "Let's go, Junior." We got into my car and I started driving. "Welcome to my weird family tree."
"Well, your dad technically gave me a roof over my head," Junior smiled. "I just so happen to meet an amazing girl along the way."
"I'm sorry you got dragged in," I looked at him. "My problems are now your problems."
"I'm married to the Princess of Monaco," Junior looked at me and grabbed my right hand, so I drove with my left. "I've been shot and beaten a lot more on this job for you than I did during my tour. I love you."
"I love you too," I nodded. "We're never revealing to the world that I'm the Princess of Monaco."

A/N: this is the end of this story. I hope you enjoy. More stories soon. Happy reading! Xoxo ~Alexis

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