Chap 2 "Quarentined"

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Faye's POV
I woke up hugging Eddie. "Good morning, boy," I smiled. Eddie popped up and licked my face. "Okay, okay." I sat up in bed and pet Eddie. "I'm up." I took a shower and got dressed. I grabbed my laptop and did a bit of research on the two guys who grabbed me. I even contacted a few of the small-time hunters I knew. I finally got a full name. "Sam and Dean Winchester."
"Faye, breakfast!" Dad called.
"Coming down," I replied as I closed my laptop. I went downstairs with Eddie. He went straight to his doggie bowl and I sat at the table. "Something smells good."
"Well, you know I'm not really much of a cook and Junior here decided he'll cook for the four of us today," Dad nodded.
"Four?" I asked.
"He made Eddie's organic dog food out of our scraps," Dad pointed. I saw Eddie and he looked sad. "Apparently it's good for him."
"Not according to Eddie, Dad," I sighed as I got up. I grabbed an old chicken from the fridge and tore the meat apart. I put it in a bowl and gave it to Eddie. "I'm going to the store to buy him some real dog food today. So, Junior, don't be cooking anymore organic food for Eddie, okay?"
"Yes, ma'am," Junior replied.
"What did I say about that?" I asked.
"Sorry," Junior sighed.
"Here," Dad handed me a wrapped box. "This is for you."
"You didn't have to get me anything," I smiled. I opened the box and there was a Five-O badge and a gun with a holster. "Dad."
"Welcome to the team, Sergeant Faye McGarrett," Dad smiled.
"How'd you know I was a law enforcement officer?" I asked.
"I'm your dad," Dad smiled. "Besides, you're in the government database. I kept eyes on you while you were away."
"Thanks, Dad," I smiled. I stood up and put the badge and gun on my pants. "How does it look?"
"Like I gotta stop calling you my little girl," Dad replied.
"Awh, I'll always be your little girl, Dad," I responded. The doorbell rang. "I got it." I opened the front door. "How'd you find me?" I held the door close to me. "Answer the question."
"We just wanted to ask you for your help," Sam replied.
"Just say yes," Dean stated.
"Why are you acting so anxious?" I asked.
"We just rode a plane and he doesn't do so well on planes," Sam sighed.
"Well, you guys might not want to show up here," I pointed. "You've got two Navy SEALs in there and a police officer."
"You're saying there are three other people inside?" Dean asked.
"You got my dad and his buddy, who are both Navy SEALs, and then you got me," I replied. "I was just recruited into Five-O, Hawaii's special task force." I looked at them. "Oh, and I got a military war dog in there too."
"Faye, your breakfast is getting cold," Junior stated.
"Just a second, Junior," I called. I looked at the brothers. "You Winchester brothers are trouble and people who are involved with you get severely hurt or die." They looked at each other then at me. "If it's a matter of my life or death situation on supernatural meanings, then you can come to me. If I am your last resort, then come to me, but I'm sure there are a lot of other people out there that can help you on whatever case it is you're going to handle."
"Faye?" Dad called.
"I'm coming, Dad," I sighed. "Sorry guys." I closed the door and went to the kitchen. "Sorry about that."
"What was that about?" Dad asked.
"Oh, wrong address," I lied. "I pointed them in the right direction and then they wanted me to draw a map and I did just that."
"Okay," Dad nodded. "Well, after breakfast we're going to go get you a new comforter set. Junior can stay here with Eddie."
"That's perfectly fine with me," I smiled. We ate breakfast and Dad just put his plate in the sink. Junior was about to do the dishes. "Junior, hey, I'll do the dishes."
"Are you sure?" Junior asked.
"Yeah," I replied. "You cooked. I'll clean."
"Thank you?" Junior questioned.
"It's the woman's job to clean in this house," I stated. "Dad used to do all the cooking and cleaning while I was growing up. Or I would eat at Kamekona's." The guys went to the living room to talk. I did the dishes with my earbuds in to listen to music. "Alright. Dad?" I took off my earbuds. "Dad?" I walked into the living room. Both him and Junior were tied to a chair and had duct tape over their mouth. "Dad."
"Another step, and he gets it," Dean pointed a gun at Dad.
"You shoot him, I'll kill you," I replied.
"Mmmmm mmm mmm!" Dad tried to talk. Dean ripped the tape off his mouth. "You know this guy?"
"Sadly," I shrugged. "But I'm not afraid to kill him."
"You're going to work with me and my brother till we figure this thing out," Dean stated. "You either do that, or I will kill your family."
"You can't make me," I looked at him. "You kill them, and I'll make one phone call."
"What's your leverage?" Dad asked.
"I'll have my friends at Bobby Singer's in minutes," I looked Dean dead in the eyes. I made my way to Junior and untied him. Junior stood up and was about to go after Dean, but I stopped him. "Don't, Junior."
"What do you expect me to do?" Junior asked.
"Nothing," I smiled. "Eddie! Tackle!" Eddie came charging at Dean and he dropped the gun. Eddie tackled Dean and then let out one bark. "Good boy." I slide the gun away from Dean. I untied my Dad. "You okay?"
"I'm fine," Dad nodded. "He came out of nowhere."
"Off, Eddie," I stated. I got Dean up and zip tied his hands behind him. "Where's your brother?"
"He doesn't know I'm doing this," Dean replied.
"Dad," I sighed. Dad got in front of Dean. "He's all yours."
"Thank you," Dad nodded. He punched Dean. Junior and I sat and watched. "This is fun."
"Is he allowed to do that?" Junior asked.
"Don't ask questions," I replied.
"This – is – illegal," Dean coughed.
"I have immunity and means," Dad replied as he gave Dean another punch. "We're gonna throw you in prison so you can rot there." I smiled. "Faye, get to the Palace. I'll meet you there."
"Okay," I smiled. I took my Charger to the Palace. I went inside. Grover and Jerry were there. "Hey."
"Little McGarrett," Grover smiled. "Back again and with a badge?"
"Yeah, Dad gave it to me this morning," I nodded.
"Well, your dad is on a boat filled with 11 dead bodies," Jerry replied. "Him, Danny, Tani, and Junior are here. They got evidence and Noalini is headed back with it."
"What about my dad?" I asked.
"They may have been infected," Grover sighed.
"Keep me updated," I sighed. I walked into my dad's office. I sat there for a good three hours until I knew I had to talk to him if this was the way he was going to go out. I sent a video call to him. "Please, pick up."
"Faye," Dad picked up.
"Hey, Dad," I sent a small smile. "Are you okay?"
"We're fine," Dad sighed. My phone vibrated and I looked at it. "What is it?"
"Eight to ten hours," I sighed. "Eight to ten hours after being infected. You got five to seven hours left."
"I got it," Dad nodded. "If anything happens –" I nodded. "Faye, listen to me."
"Look, Dad, you're not going to die," I replied. "Listen to me. You're not going to die."
"Who are you talking to?" Danny asked.
"It's Faye," Dad nodded.
"Faye, hey," Danny showed up on screen.
"Hey, Danno," I sighed. "How you holding up?"
"I'm fine," Danny nodded. "Can you promise me something?"
"What?" I asked.
"Can you take care of Grace and Charlie for me?" Danny asked. "My will has everything assigned to you until Grace and Charlie are eighteen."
"Hey, Danno, you're going to come back and take care of your kids," I replied. "Don't talk like that."
"I'm glad you're not on this boat," Danny sighed. "You're our hope to get off of here."
"Faye," Grover walked in. "It's an advanced strain of the Ebola virus."
"The hospital identified it?" I asked. Grover nodded. "That's great news."
"CDC is starting to work on an antidote," Grover sighed. "It might take them months."
"I'll get it," I smiled. "I gotta go, Dad. You're going to get out of there."
"Listen, if you need anything, go to Adam," Dad replied.
"Don't do that," I pointed. "I love you." I hung up. Another four hours went by and we finally got an antidote. I was in the air with Air One. The storm was bad. I got on the boat and Dad hugged me. "Grover sent it down." Grover did but the water shook the boat and the cable broke. "No!"
"No, no, no!" Grover exclaimed.
"No," I sighed. Junior held onto the rail. "Dad!"
"I got it," Dad stated as he jumped into the water.
"Dad," I sighed. The waves hit and dad went under with it. "Dad!" I took off my vest and took off my shoes. "Dad!"
"What are you doing?" Junior asked.
"That's my dad!" I replied.
"No," Junior nodded. He jumped over with a raft and got my dad out. "I got him."
"Dad," I sighed. I hugged him. "Dad." We went inside and I opened the box. "Here."
"There's five of us and four of them," Dad pointed.
"I got it before I got onto the boat," I nodded. "Come on." I got the antidote in each of them. Dad hugged me as soon as I got done. "I love you."
"I love you to," Dad smiled. We got back to shore and were quarantined. It was three days in. Tani and Dad were playing chess, Danny was bored like usual, Junior was exercising, and I was just sitting in bed watching them all. I walked over to Dad and hugged him. "Faye."
"Checkmate," Tani smiled. "I could've gotten you six moves ago."
"I love you," I smiled as I kept my hug on Dad. "Can I ask you a serious question?"
"Sure," Dad nodded.
"Can I work on the mainland?" I asked.
"You wanna work on the mainland with Chin?" Dad asked.
"No, not that," I nodded. We were playing with the cards and a guy came in wearing a hazmat suit. "Hey, doctor." The guy pulled a gun on us and we got up. "Whoa!"
"Hey, hey!" Dad got in front of me.
"Phones on the table, now," he stated. He put our phones on the table and backed away. "Good." He put zip ties on the table. "Cinch them with your teeth. In front."
"You got the gun here," Dad sighed. "You're in control of the situation. Just tell us what you want, okay?"
"If I have to ask you again, you die first," the guy looked at Dad.
"Copy that. I'm gonna...I'm gonna reach forward, alright?" Dad assured. We each got one and zipped our hands together. "Alright, what's next?"
"On your knees," he stated. We hesitated. "All of you!" We did. He smashed our phones. "Okay."
"There's something I have to tell you. Wearing that suit in here does not guarantee protection," Dad sighed.
"He's right," Tani agreed. "There are a lot of things that you need to do before you come in here to avoid infection. Do you understand?" I looked at her. "It's very complicated. It's a process."
"You probably already exposed yourself to a lethal virus that has a very high mortality rate," Dad sighed. "Now, if that's the case, you're gonna need the antidote. And if you kill us, you can't get that."
"Don't worry about me," he nodded as he took off his mask. He pointed his gun at Danny. "Worry about him."
"Relax, okay, please?" Danny sighed. "Relax."
"You remember me, Detective Williams?" he asked.
"No, I don't – I don't know who you are," Danny replied. "Should I know who you are?"
"Pity," he shrugged and shot Danny.
"Danny," I stated as I rushed over to him. "Danny." The guy shot himself. I put pressure on the wound. "Dad."
"You hang in there, Danny," Dad nodded. "Hang on." Dad smashed a plate on the ground. "Come on, Tani."
"Come here," Tani nodded. She cut the tie off Dad. Dad took my place. I let Tani cut my tie. "Faye?"
"Danny?" Dad asked. "Junior, get me something for the bleeding."
"I'm getting help," I sighed. "We got a problem." I walked to the door. "He rigged the door with an explosive." Junior took Dad's spot as dad walked over to me. "Can we disarm it?"
"We open this door, this is gonna blow. Son of a bitch locked us in," Dad sighed. "We're gonna shoot our way out." Dad checked the gun the guy used. "Two bullets, both used." He threw the gun down. "Damn it."
"Plan B?" I asked.
"Find a way to get somebody up here," Dad sighed.
"How am I supposed to do that?" I asked. "This is an isolated wing."
"That glass is –"
"Figure it out!" Dad pointed at Tani and I. "Go figure it out." Tani got a chair and started banging. "Tani?"
"I had to try," Tani sighed.
"Fire extingusure," I smiled. I took it and made a hole in the dry wall. "Tani." She started taking apart the wall with me. "Flood it." We took apart the copper pipes. We closed the door as the water came through. We put towels under the door so that it won't flood into our room. "We got it."
"Is it gonna work?" Tani asked.
"We have to try anything at this moment," I nodded. "Dad, we're flooding the bathroom so that when it seeps through ceiling, somebody's gonna come."
"Faye, I wish you weren't here to see this," Dad sighed.
"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere," I pointed. I heard knocking and I turned toward the door. "Dad." I ran to the door. "Stop, do not open the door! There's a bomb. If you open it, we're all dead. We need an EMT, a cardiac specialist, and a bomb squad, now! Go!" The lady left. "At least we got help." Immediately, we got a bomb squad member to look at the bomb with Tani's help. Steve and Junior stayed on Danny. I sat on the bed and started thinking. Steve started doing surgery with the doctor telling him what to do. "Faye, you've been through tougher situations."
"Hey," Junior sat next to me. "You doing okay?"
"I'm fine," I nodded.
"If we ever get out of here, would you mind going on a date with me?" Junior asked.
"You do realize my dad is standing right there," I pointed.
"I asked him first," Junior nodded.
"Well, if that's the case, mind as well make this the first," I replied. "Hell of a way to go if I'm dying."
"Guys, get to the other side of the room," Grover stated. "We're taking down that wall."
"Let's go," Dad nodded. We got Danny onto a bed. Junior got the mattress to cover up me and him. Dad got a mattress to cover him and Tani. "Cover your ears." I did. We heard the explosion. I looked. "How is it Faye?"
"It's still up," I replied. "But I'm small enough to get through." A wall in the bathroom came down. "Yes." They got Danny and took him to surgery. Junior hugged me. "Now we gotta get tested before we can even leave this room to check on Danny." We were checked and cleared. I walked over to Dad and he hugged me. "Did you tell Junior it was okay for him to ask me on a date?"
"He's a good guy," Dad nodded. "If you wanna go on a date with him, that's fine with me."
"He's cute," I shrugged.
"Just be careful," Dad looked at me. "He might be cute but he is a Navy SEAL. I know how thought guys think because —"
"You were a Navy SEAL too," I cut Dad off. "I know and I will be. I did survive four year without you." Dad put his arm around me. "You know, we were supposed to go and pick out a new bed set for me."
"Yeah, but change of plans," Dad sighed. "We'll find a different time to go."
"Can I change my whole room? I mean, after we find out if Danno's okay," I replied. Dad looked at me. "Dad, I'm a grown woman. I loved cheerleading but I can't keep it as a reminder. I'm a cop now and I don't need that pink stuff all over my walls." Dad kissed my forehead. "Please?"
"Yeah, sweetheart," Dad nodded. "Anything for my girl." The doctor walked in. "Doctor?"
"It was touch and go for a bit but we got him back," the doctor stated. "He's sedated now but as soon as he's ready for visitors, we'll let you know."
"Thank you," I smiled as Dad hugged me. The doctor smiled and left. "Danno's okay." We went back to The Palace. I went into my office and sat in my chair. "It's been a day."
"Hey," Junior walked in. "Would you like to go get that coffee today?"
"Junior, it's been a long day," I looked at him. "Can I rain check?"
"Yeah," Junior nodded.
"Thanks," I smiled. Dad walked in. "Hey, Dad. Another case?"
"No, just got something for him," Dad nodded as he held out a badge. "Junior, you earned this."
"Congratulations," I smiled. "Welcome to Five-O."

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