Chpt.11. Breaking the news

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Pandora's POV

Yesterday when I got the news that I was pregnant I automatically told my best friend so I had FaceTime'd her and let me tell you she squealed so loud that I had to turn my volume down in case anyone heard it.

"Girl you gotta tell him. He has to know. I know that I would want to know if I were him." obviously only my best friend would say something like this but make it with more sexual thinking.

"Ok ok. Fine but I'm gonna break it to him very slowly." As I say that Jaxson walks in after knocking.

Before I end the call she had the time to say "slowly my ass" and I hung up.

"Who was that" he asked
"My Bestfriend Of My Childhood you could say." I said and he stood there with an arched brow looking sexy

" Stop that." I said
"Stop what?" He says cockily
"That. Stop that face your making." I said while waving my hand around
"What face. I ain't making a face." He chuckles and walks towards me
"Oh yes you are." He nods and kinda agrees but I know he doesn't

He lays in the bed and just looks up.

"Hey Jax I have something to tell you." I said and faced him

He faces me with a worried look.
"What is it Pandora?"
"Well lets just say the times that we've.. you know.. well I kinda got a side effect." I said trying to break it slowly
"Ok Pandora please tell me. You've got me worried." He said and looked me deep in the eyes

"I'm pregnant. And your gonna be a father" I said and when I opened my eyes his eyes were sparkling so bright and he had the biggest smile on his face he got up so quick got on top of me and kissed me so much. Ran out of the room and started screaming "I'm gonna be a Father" all around the entire house.

I got in the hallway and headed downstairs when he showed up in front of me and picked me up and twirled me and kissed me passionately. We got in the kitchen for some food for my hungry ass.

I was gonna make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with some pickles but Jaxson decided to make me a big ass meal because and I quote" I must keep you and my child in you fed and healthy!"

It was sweet but i was just gonna stick to what I wanted but I wasn't gonna tell him that. He is making me a big meal so i'll just accept what he offers me. Plus, I'm not in the mood to fight.

As we all enjoyed our meals Jaxson suddenly got a call and he looked pretty pissed.

"Is everything ok Jax?" i asked him

"Yeah everything is ok." he says a bit harshly and I just looked at him sadly and I suddenly didn't feel hungry anymore.

"Ok." i said with pain and I got up and put my plate in the sink and went up to my room and got a book and my phone and plugged in my headphones to my phone and made my way outside to the rocking floating swing bench thingy. I've never known the name of that thingy mobobber.

I was so dazed in my book I didn't realize that a strange man had walked up to me. Weird in a place with such protection he got near me pretty quietly.
Suddenly the man started talking
"Why would such a beautiful young lady be out here all by herself with no one to watch her." He said in a question but creepy way.

"Um im sorry but who are you?" I asked and he just smirked and looked at me evil
"Well come on now. Why do you think your dear lover boy was so angry a few seconds ago. I am the cause for that" he says and made me more curious

"But why was he angry? What did you do?" I said and got a bit frightened.

"Oh beautiful not what I did what I'm about to do. Your coming with me" he said and suddenly I felt something go over my mouth and in my arm and darkness had engulfed me.

Oh great another kidnapping. Joyful...

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