Chapter 9: So you're the user ?!

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AN: So, long story short, my computer crashed, so I had to re-write this entire chapter in less than two hours. FML.

" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

Your POV:

I'm sure I saw it, I saw it, I saw that form underwater, and it looks like I wasn't the only one to notice it.

Joseph: Jotaro !! There's something in the water ! It's trying to ambush you ! It's not a shark !

Jotaro then spotted what was following him, and tried to swim faster, but considering that he was dragging the girl with one arm, he couldn't do much more.

Joseph: Jotaro ! Quick, just swim to the ship !

"He's not gonna make it !"

Kakyoin: Let me handle this...[HIEROPHANT GREEN]

Fortunately, Kakyoin was able to drag them out of the water just in time, as the figure destroyed the life buoy the sailors send, as it was nothing but a twig, then suddenly disappeared from our sight.

"It's gone..."

Joseph: It was a stand ! That was a stand !

Abdul: An underwater stand. I've never heard anything like that.

The girl Jotaro saved was slowly getting her breath back, and shakily standing up, only to be met by our menacing and cautious glares.

Joseph: Maybe...This girl...

Polnareff: Could she be the stand user ?

Kakyoin: Did she jump into the water knowing Jojo would save her ?

Said girl was quite startled by all the glares she was given, but brushed it aside, trying to look confident,

Girl: What do you want ? Staring at me like that.

Girl: I don't know what's going on but you wanna fight ?

She took out a knife from her pocket and tried to look intimidating, emphasis on "tried".

Girl: Then let's go ! One on one ! Any one of you, come on !

Polnareff: 'She's just playing dumb. Let's throw her back into the sea.'

Kakyoin: 'But if she's not a stand user, she'll be eaten by the sharks.'

'She's either a really good actress, or she actually don't know a thing about us.'

Joseph: 'But all 10 sailors had their backgrounds checked. Who else could it be ? How can we make her reveal herself ?

Abdul: Hey... How is Dio doing ?

Girl: Eh ? Dio ? What's that ?

Polnareff: Don't play dumb, little girl.

Girl: What? What are you talking about ? Do you want to talk or fight ? 'Dio ? Is that a car brand ?'

Girl: My knife is crying for the blood of it's 340th victim !!!

Kakyoin and I quietly snickered at that attempt to scare us, much to her disappointment.

Girl: E-Eh, What's so funny, suckas ?

Kakyoin: "Suckas"... She doesn't seem to be it?

"yeah, she really lack credibility to be a stand user."

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