Chapter 7: The french knight of Hong-Kong/Part 3

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

Your POV:

Abdul finally managed to defeat (more like destroy) Polnareff, by disintegrating his stand.

Joseph: The power of the crossfire hurricane is immense. Once hit squarely, the opponent's stand will disintegrate.

Jotaro: That was some intense flame. He's dead now, or severely injured if he's lucky.

'I need a new pair of pants, he ruined that one...'

Abdul: In any case he'll be out for months. His stand is also destroyed, so he can't fight anymore.

"But what about you Abdul, you suffered some injuries, are you alright ?"

Abdul: I'll be fine, let's go. Mr.Joestar, we must be on our way to Egypt.

I was about to leave, when I heard a strange noise coming from Polnareff's side, like some sort of sizzling. Before seeing his stand slowly moving around.

"Hum, guys... You may want to see that."

Joseph: What is it Y/n ?

"I...I don't know how, but I think his stand is still alive..."

All of a sudden, his stand exploded, sending half-melted armor parts everywhere.

Joseph: Huh ? What's this ? His stand should be in pieces by now !!

We were all confused by what happened, but it didn't goes any better when Polnareff's body suddenly shot itself upward.

Abdul: Th...This is impossible !!!

Kakyoin: He's lying down, but he still jumped in the air !!!

Polnareff: HA HA HA !!! That was pretty good!!! He said clapping, while he was still floating midair.

Joseph: He...He's still ok !

Jotaro: Look at his injuries. They're just slight burns. But how can he stay in the air like that ?

"How can he be still alive to begin with ?!"

Polnareff: Heh heh. Just look closely !

And right in cue, we all noticed some sort of distorted image of silver chariot supporting him.

Abdul: This is ?!

Polnareff finally landed on the ground (doing an unnecessary triple front flip in the process).

Polnareff: That's right ! [SILVER CHARIOT] sans armor !

Polnareff: I will explain it to you to show my good sportsmanship, or else it would be like ambushing you, which has no honor. Would you give me time to explain ?

Abdul: Thank you. Please do.

'So even in Dio's control, he kept his honor and sportsmanship, it would be a shame to kill him...'

Polnareff: My stand didn't disintegrate, it merely took off its armor. The part you burned was just the armor, so I didn't sustain any serious injury.

Polnareff: Now, after taking off the armor, his body is a lot lighter.

Polnareff: Did you see it's movements when it held me up ? that's how fast it is now !!

To say that Abdul was shocked was an understatement, but in all honestly, we all were...

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