Chapter 5: The french knight of Hong-Kong/Part 1

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stands names

Your POV:

We all stared at the old man corpse, with a mix of surprise and disgust at what we just witnessed, his blood slowly pouring out of his split open skull.

Kakyoin: It doesn't look like he's carrying one of Dio's spores.

Abdul: [TOWER OF GRAY] create accidents to kill peoples. It's a stand primarily used to steal valuables from people easily.

"No wonder why Dio had his eyes on this guy..."

That's when I suddenly had a strange feeling, like the ground I was on was starting to tilt slightly.

"Hey everyone, is the plane tilting, or is it just me ?"

Joseph: No, you're right, the plane IS tilting.

"But weren't we supposed to land in like, a couple hours ? Did we all overslept or something ?"

Joseph: N...No but...You've got to be Kidding me !!

We then proceeded toward the cockpit with Jotaro and Kakyoin following closely.

Stewardess: Excuse me sir, but where are you going ? That's the cockpit, and it's off limits.

Joseph: We're quite aware of that.

"Please just let us pass already"

Fortunately, they noticed Jotaro following us, and stepped aside, and I could only guess what was going through their minds.

We finally arrived in the cockpit, only to be greeted by a morbid scene: The pilots were lying in a pool of their own blood, with their tongues ripped off.

" That insect stand did all of this before attacking us ?!"

Jotaro: He already got both pilots !

Joseph: We're losing altitude, and the controls are damaged...At this rate, we'll crash.


We all turned around to see the stand user barely alive, standing in the doorway, with blood pouring everywhere.

Old piece of crap: My stand is represented by the "Tower" card, and symbolizes destruction, and therefore the end of your journey !! You shall never reach Master Dio !!

Old piece of crap: Even if you somehow escape this crash with your lives, Egypt is still over ten thousands kilometers away !! And through the whole journey, Master Dio's loyal followers will NEVER give you a moment's rest! This world has some horrible stands and their users will make your trip a living hell !!

We all stared in shock and disgust at what was happening before us.

Old piece of crap: And about you over there ! He said pointing to me.

Old piece of crap: You're lucky that Master Dio told me to not kill you right away, look like he has some plans concerning you !

"Wait, what does he intend to do with me ?!"

Old piece of crap: Why do you care, you're all doooooomed anyways ! You bastards will never make it to Egypt !!

He fell over, dying of blood loss in the process. And we heard what sounded like some whimpering in the hallway.

It was the stewardess, cowering in fear at what just happened, and honestly no one can blame them for that.

Jotaro: You stewardess are trained for that, not screaming to prevent any panic.

The seventh crusader (Stardust Crusaders x Male reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin