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"what did you want to speak about Papa?" Lucy chimed, Makarov smiled. as the two blonde mages managed to grow closer, Lucy seemed to grow more attached to Makarov as a father figure. even going as far as actually referring to him as such. she meant it with sincerity and not as a guild nickname, this lead to it usually only actually coming up in private. though Makarov was proud to be acknowledged as such, and was completely alright with it. as that was actually why he called her.

"i wanted to asked you something very important, in fact its a decision i assumed you would both agree on, but i wanted to make sure first." Makarov's smile grew as the young adults confusion grew, as did the exceeds who now rested on the dragon slayers head."then why am i here master" happy yawned, as his small sob fest had made him tired. " because i wanted to also welcome you." this made the three raise their eyebrows -or whatever exceeds have- in more confusion if that's even possible.

 "Luce, as i have come to see you as my own daughter, and as we have grown closer as family, i wanted it to be official. not to draw attention, but simply so its a official and you can call me papa in front of the guild or anyone, it doesn't need to be private." the old man smiled at the utter daze the two had seem to find themselves in. "i would like to adopt you, so how about it, will you be Lucy Heartfilia Dreyar?" the geezer closed his eyes as his smile widened. "a-are you serious?"

 She asked in utter disbelief,the man's smiled seemed to grow even more if it was possible. boy did it look like his cheeks hurt. she looked to Laxus who simply gave one look to Gramps and nodded to her. Catching himself smiling like an idiot. "YES" she yelped she got up new tears running down her cheeks, this time they fell from happiness. Laxus and Happy watched as the girl bound forward and hugged Makarov close. he opened on of his eyes to the two and beckoned them forth to join, and that they did. 

sorry its short, like i said before though. most of them are. i posted it early because school is kicking my butt right now, and i'm going to a friends this weekend. so i figured id probably be to busy. if i'm not i'll still upload the 3rd chapter. and continue on from there. but if this works for me next week, then i might just upload a chapter every Wednesday at lunch, as well since i already have the chapters written. i just need to do some light editing. which is easy and doesn't take long. it all depends on how smooth this semester keeps going. anyways if you read this whole thing thank you. i hope you enjoyed the chapter. 


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