129 10 53

A/N btw most of this story will be written in first person - personally, I find it easier to insert myself in a story if it's using I instead of You. Any speech in italics means it's in Romanian.


Feel my way through the darkness

Guided by a beating heart



2 0 1 4


The dainty ring of the door opening pulls me out of my thoughts and I straighten up behind the counter of the small cafe where I work part time and look up to see a broad-shouldered man with chin length, dark brown hair tuck carefully under a cap. I run my eyes over his tired face and ice blue eyes, down his 5 o'clock shadow and across his tense, but built, frame. Something about the far off look in his eyes sets my teeth on edge and makes me think that there's more to this man than he's willing to let on. His shoulders stiffen under my evaluation and his wary eyes shift around the cramped cafe, lingering on the back door. He hesitantly shuffles towards the counter, leaning towards his left side. I follow his arm down and immediately spot a glove covering only his left hand. As soon as he notices my gaze he slips his hand into his back pocket and clears his throat.

"Can I please get a large black coffee?" The man's voice is scratchy from disuse and his American accent shines through his broken Romanian.

"Do you want that to go?" I make my voice polite, yet disinterested and let my hands fiddle with the cash register. The man's thick brows furrow as he struggles to translate the simple question. I decide to take pity on the struggling man.

"Do you want that to go?" I repeat, this time in English.

"I'll have it here, thanks." He mumbles.

"Can I get a name with that?" I smile softly as he looks momentarily star struck before shaking his head subtly and sliding the money across the counter.

"James." A small smile graces his face and completely changes his features, somehow brightening his dull eyes. I gesture for him to take a seat and get to work on his order. When it is ready I take it out to him and place it in front of him.

"Will that be all today, James?" I ask politely. An unreadable look crosses his face as he hastily replies under his breath. He pulls out a simple black notebook and starts frantically scribbling in illegible handwriting, occasionally pausing briefly to sip at his coffee.

The bell rings to announce more customers entering and I glance at my watch, just in time for the morning rush. I am busy with other customers for the next half hour and almost forget the gloved man until I hazard a glance at the corner he is occupying and see that he has slowed down but not entirely stopped writing in his notebook. His mug has been drained and I curse myself for not noticing earlier, being a waitress isn't exactly my calling. I position myself next to James and clear my throat as to not startle him. His head whips around and his shoulders stiffen all the same.

"Would you like a refill?" He glances at a worn watch and then his gaze snaps back to me, his eyebrows raised in alarm. The chair scrapes on the ground as he suddenly stands up, he cringes at the loud noise and the attention drawn to him because of it. The corner of my mouth is tugged up slightly at his dramatic reaction.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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