“Kick me again and I’ll dump you in a dumpster.” He threatens.

“I’d prefer it.” I snap, “Who the hell do you think you are kidnapping me like this?”

“Kidnap?” He snorts, “I asked you on a date and you accepted.”

“That was before.”


I roll my eyes, “Are you trying to be obtuse? Before the thing with your sister, dumb shit. She needs you more than I do.”

“Speaking of which.” He begins lowly before crouching to set me on my feet again. His amethyst eyes are narrowed on me and his ivory jaw is clenched though the beginning of dark stubble is beginning to grow again on it, making me want to touch it. “What the fuck was that disappearing shit you pulled?”

I shrug, “I had to get home.”

“Oh really?” He asks with a mocking frown, “Because that smells like another clump of bullshit spewing from your mouth.”

“I don’t need this.” I mutter before turning to head back towards the apartment building. He grabs my wrist and pulls me back, “And will you stop grabbing me? I’m not a damn rag doll!”

“Shut up and listen.” He demands making me want to kick him in the—“I’m not going to sit here and pretend I know all about you. We’ve known each other for five minutes but with that being said if you ever leave me again I’ll track you down to the ends of the earth.”

“Your insane.” I whisper in awe, “You must be clinically insane.”

He smirks a bit, “Maybe but just about you.”

“You said it yourself, Gideon, you don’t even know me.”

“I know you enough.”

I quirk an eyebrow, “Enough to what?”

“To know that you’re the girl for me.” He murmurs before leaning his forehead against mine, “I don’t do the dating thing, I’ll admit that but I do know that I like you.”

I cross my arms and give him a dry look, “And I like you but that doesn’t give you the right to—“

My phone ringing in my back pocket cuts me off. Frowning I slide it out and unlock it quickly after seeing the one name I dread, my father’s. My heart begins pumping like mad in my chest and my palms begin to sweat as I put it to my ear, I know this won’t be good. The question is: How bad is it?


“Tallulah.” My name is a loaded word, “You missed dinner.”

I swallow thickly, “Yes, I know, father. Please accept my apology.”

“I’m afraid I won’t this time, Tallulah. Now come up to the apartment, the tracker on your phone tells me your very close. Is he with you?”


“Get rid of him and come up here. We have things to discuss you and I.”

I bite my lip fighting to spill the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. “Yes, sir.”

“That’s my good girl.” And with that he hangs up.

I lower my phone and stare at the square piece of software in my hand like it’s a foreign object. I know what this means and acceptance washes over my brain making me apathetic. He’ll send me away, he’ll punish me and I’ll be forced to end things with Gideon. Necromancer or not, I am no match for Benjamin Stewart.

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