Chapter 10

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"AAAARG!" Nyx screamed in anger as she launched an overcharged jolt of Force Lighting close to a Force Storm.

Maul hid behind a pillar of stone that took the blunt of the witch's anger.

Ever since the sun had risen she had become almost mindless in her angry causing her to unleash it all upon their hidden base.

Luckily the base had a means of keeping outsiders from discovering them via the Force keeping them hidden from the Jedi...however if something didn't change soon that might not matter.

"(DAMN THEM!)" Nyx cried out in Parseltongue as she let her anger known.

That morning she had felt the change...her Harry had taken another wife!

Another useless bitch that would keep him on that path of weakness that was the light!

Another bitch that stole what belonged to her and her alone!

Nyx roared her voice amplified by the Force making Maul clasp his ears for fear of losing their function.

When all went silent suddenly Maul opened his eyes and snuck a peak and saw that the entire room was empty of life.

Nyx marched up the ramp of the ship that had once brought her to this part of the Galaxy.

Now it would help her start put a stop to those that stole what was always supposed to be hers!


At the meditation gardens of the Jedi Temple Fleur looked at the two overly happy Lycan females as they seemed to almost bounce in place.

"And just what has you two so happy?" Ben asked from his place next to his bond mate at the table he was helping to set up for their weekly tea party.

While he wasn't invited he always was happy to help since it made Fleur smile as she recalled the discussions with him at dinner.

"Last night...Harry found our fourth sister wife." Daphne explained her own happiness barely contained remembering how giddy she had felt back when she had first accepted the bond.

Fleur and Ben both blinked in surprise before Fleur squealed in happiness and rushed forward.

"Oh boy..." Both Susan and Daphne thought before they groaned as they were pulled into a patent pending Veela constrictor hug.

As a Veela Fleur was very susceptible to positive emotions and the bonds of love between outsiders. The fact that Harry's bond was now complete made her very happy...and a happy Veela was a clinging Veela.

"I thought we swore to make Harry suffer these that next time she was overly emotional." Daphne groaned over the bond to Susan who grunted.

"He comforted her when Gabby died." Susan said back making Daphne internally growl.

"Blast!" Before the pair were released suddenly almost making them fall over at the loss of the elder women's limbs.

"(Oh Mi Amour I'm so happy for them!)" Fleur called out in her native tongue allowing the two Lycans to see that Ben had come over, and rescued them by allowing his bond mate to turn her emotions onto him instead.

The slight tint of blue that appeared on his cheeks the only sign of his discomfort.

"Thanks Ben." The pair whispered together knowing their pack brother heard them when he held up a thumbs up behind his bond mates back.

"We must go and celebrate...and I want to meet my future sister in-law!" Fleur said releasing Ben causing him to fall face first onto the ground with a grunt as she started moving off with a bounce in her step and a mission on her mind.

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