Chapter One- Rescue

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*Three Months Later, Carter's POV*

It had been three months since I was captured and held captive by the people here. I had since learned who and what they were. They were a religious cult that called themselves "Los Illuminados:", or "The Enlightened Ones". However, this cult was hardly religious. They all followed the lead of Lord Saddler, who had infected each of the villagers with a bio-organic weapon called "Las Plagas", or "The Plague". It was a parasite that was injected into the body as an egg, and when it hatched, it allowed Saddler to control their minds, sometimes even turning the people it infected into BOW's. This was way bigger than DSO thought. They had tried to get information out of me, but I had since stopped talking, and it frustrated them to know end. Now, however, I realized that they were at the end of their patience with me. They didn't need me any longer. Now, Saddler came into the room they were holding me in, the Chief of the village behind him. He held a picture out to me.

"Tell you know who this is?" He asked me. I looked at it, and my eyes widened slightly. It was Leon! "This is an American Agent that has been seen sniffing around the village. So tell me, do you know who this is?" He asked me. I turned my head away.

"No, I don't." I said. He smacked me across the face.

"You're lying!" He growled. I looked up at him.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"Your eyes betrayed you. The way they widened when you saw this picture." He said, and my smirk dropped. No! "Now, you will tell me who this is, or there will be severe consequences!" He said. I didn't miss a beat with my answer.

"No!" I had to protect Leon at all costs. If he was here, I couldn't bear the thought of Saddler getting his hands on him! He frowned.

"Very well then." He said, and looked at the Chief motioning him over to me. He walked over, picked me up, and threw me over his shoulder. I didn't know where he was taking me, but if my refusal to answer kept Leon safe, then I would be able to bear whatever he was going to do to me.

*Three Days Later*

I laid against the wall of the small cabin I had been locked in, my hands tied to a pole beside me. I was beaten and bruised, but I still refused to tell them about Leon. The T-Virus was healing me up as fast as it could, but even it was having a hard time keeping up with what the Chief did. I heard the doors to the cabin open, and people walk in. I made no motion to look behind me, I knew who it was. He set something down, and I heard chains rattle, before the doors closed. Someone else was in here with me. I wonder who it was? I sighed, but stayed as I was, shutting my eyes, and falling asleep for a short while. Soon though, I was awoken by voices talking. One had a distinct Spanish accent, and I didn't recognize the voice. The other, however...

"...Leon?" I muttered, shifting a bit to try and look behind me.

"Hey, Leon, the lady's awake." The man I didn't recognize said.

"She is? Good. Miss, are you alright?" It was Leon! I started to cry tears of joy. Leon was here! He was safe, and he was going to rescue me!

"Leon...!" I said, a little bit louder, my voice weak and raspy from not having used it. I prayed that he had heard me. It was silent for a minute.

"...Carter? Carter, is that you?!" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah...yeah, it's me." I said. Before we could talk anymore, however, the doors opened, and one of the villagers came in, wielding a huge axe! I couldn't do anything, it was all I could do to hold my head up. Leon and the stranger however, had pulled apart so the chain that was tying them together was cut by the axe. The stranger ran out, and Leon took out the villager, before standing and running over to me. Once he was in front of me, I was convinced that this wasn't a dream, and that he was really here. "Leon!" I said, happily. He gently rested his hand on my cheek, and I leaned into his touch.

" did they do to you?" He asked.

"They wanted to know who you were. I wouldn't give them anything on you." I said. He frowned, his eyes showing sadness.

"So you let them torture you?" He asked. The tears began falling again before I could stop them.

"I couldn't let them hurt you Leon. If it meant that you would be safe, then I was willing to take whatever they could throw at me." I said. He smiled a little and shook his head.

"You idiot." He said, jokingly, before he kissed me. I returned the kiss, feeling safe for the first time in three months.

"But I'm your idiot." I said, and he laughed a bit, cutting he rope that tied my hands to the pole.

"Carter, can you stand?" He asked. He gently placed my arm around his shoulder, and lifted me up, but I couldn't bare my own weight. I shook my head.

"No...the T-Virus needs time to catch up to my wounds and heal them." I said. He began looking around the cabin.

"That's time that we don't have. I was sent here to find the President's daughter. She was kidnapped, and we think that she's being held here. However, my first objective was going to be finding you." He said, coming back with various ropes. I watched as he quickly weaved them together, then he helped me stand. "Here, I'll carry you on my back." He said. I nodded, and, as I held myself up as he wrapped the weaved together ropes around us in such a way, that my back and backside were supported, and my legs were held close to him, this way he could keep his arms free.

"Leon? Thank you!" I said, resting my head against his back.

"Don't thank me Carter. You're my wife. I'm always going to take care of you."

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