Here For You

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As everything registered in my head I felt my anger hit it's peak. Yea I was holding Amber. But I'd rather have my hands around Caleb's neck. Which reminds me ... she never mentioned his name. The room was so quiet until Justin spoke up.

" sis... is his name Caleb? " Justin asked looking over at him

She went stiff in my arms. Confirming it. Yea he going to have to see me for this shit.

" I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL HIM! " Pierce screamed

" y-y'all know him? " Samantha asked stuttering

" unfortunately for him. Yes we do. " I said

Amber tried getting out of my grip and I looked at her " what's wrong ma? "

" H-how? I-I can't breathe " Amber stuttered

I felt her heart racing and her struggling to breathe in my hands. " AYE GRAB HER INHALER !!! "

Samantha tossed me one of her inhalers " always prepared for an anxiety attack or asthma attack when it comes down to my bestie " She said sending me a weak smile

I caught the inhaler and put it to her mouth. She took two puffs from it and I held her in my arms and rubbed her back softly. " it's going to be okay baby girl. We're not going to let him get to you or anything. Shit if he know like I know he better not even look your way. "

She began breathing properly but cried on my chest. I just held her and rubbed her back in circles until it was all out.

" he's my half brother Amber..." Pierce said rubbing his hand down his face

" yea when I told you I wanted to talk it was about him.  I know y'all know about the life I live. Just not in details.  While y'all were in school we were in the trap talking. One of the guys in our crew named Skeez—- " Justin was cut off by Samantha


I rubbed my hand down my face. This shit just keeps getting worse.

" yea, why wassup? Something we need to know? " I asked

" that's his best friend... " Amber said softly

" huh? I don't think I heard you correctly. Did you just say Skeez is Caleb best friend? " Pierce asked

" YES! THAT NIGGA AINT SHITTTT ! " Samantha said standing up and pacing

" this nigga... he the reason our sales been dropping. This nigga know about how close you are with Justin. Yoo he got to go too. He sat here in our faces! Talking about him and shit. Talking about how you look good and all. Yo where the fuck this nigga at?" I asked

" man that nigga said he was going to see his family on the south side. " Justin said

" that nigga don't have a fucking family... " Amber said with anger


" he knows we know. He probably plotting right now. " Justin said annoyed

" FUCKKK ! " Pierce yelled

I immediately texted all of the people in the trap that don't trust Skeez at all. I guess we should've peeped game. I let them know what was up and to be paying attention to every move they make. I had them change the locks and all. He got us fucked up. We put a plan in motion to end all of this shit. After about and hour of setting it up we just sat around chilling.

" awe shit Amber all this made me forget. Come outside " I said to her as I got up

" huh? What's outside? " She asked as she got up after me

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