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I didn't go dark. I didn't go dark! I killed her, but I didn't go dark.

Every time I get attacked or anything like that, I go dark. Then I wake up and I'm covered in blood and there's a dead body.

I guess not this time. My baby probably stopped it. Just like my baby stopped my transitions on a full moon. Speaking of, there's a full moon in two days. I'm gonna have to tell Calix. I have known about the pregnancy for four months now, and I still haven't told him. I'm not showing yet, thank goodness.

I don't know why I'm so scared to tel him. I think he'll be happy. I'm just scared he won't be. What if he doesn't want another kid. He already has Hope, who is adorable! We lost our baby when his father killed me in 1726. Why would he want another one. Why would he want another one with me? What if this one does to. I'm scared. I don't know what to do.

I sigh then go to the kitchen. I grab a glass of pop, and take a sip. My phone rings, so I walk back to my room and grab it.

Hello, my love.
Were you at Rouseaus?
Yes. Why?
Were you the one that killed Daliah?
My aunt. She has long brown hair. Was pinned to a wall. Knifes in every part of her body.
Ohhhhh. That chick. Yeah, that was me.
Are you okay?
Your asking if I went dark. Well, I didn't. I stayed conscious and good. Well. Good as I am.
Okay. I jut wanted to make sure. Where are you now?
My apartment. I came here to chill. Plus I need a shower before our date tonight.
Were married, love. It's not exactly dating anymore.
Fight me.
When and where, love?
Oh hu hu. Bleh.
I'm not sure what that means, but I'm gonna take it as you can't wait to see me tonight.
You do that. Now, I need to take a shower, then spend three hours getting ready. I will see you at six. Goodbye, my love.
Goodbye, love.

I hang up the phone with a bright smile on my face. Oh how I love him. My husband. My king. My love. My mate. Mine. Nobody else's. No one else can have him. Other than the baby child growing in my stomach.

I groan when I remember I need to tell him about the baby tonight. I sigh and nod to myself. He needs to know. I need to tell him. I'll tell him tonight. What could go wrong?

Shattered Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon