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I walk back to Damon, and he looks at me confused. "Olivia, what's wrong?" He asks. "I'll just ask you. Will you marry Klaus and I?" I ask, and he smiles. "Of course. I would do anything for you." He says, and I smile brightly.

He studies my face and shakes his head. "Somethings still bothering you." He says, and I look up to him. "Drink your bourbon. It'll calm your nerves." He says and I shake my head. "I can't." I say, and he looks at me closer. "You literally just got onto Matt for not letting you get it. If anyone says anything we'll eat them." He says with a smirk, but I shake my head. "No, Damon, I can't." I say, and he shakes his head. "Don't say it. Don't say it." He says. "I'm... pregnant." I say, and he sighs. "Danget, Olivia." He says and lets his fist fall to the table.

"Damon. I'm pregnant. Again. I'm pregnant again. Damon, what am I gonna do?! He already has a daughter. What if he doesn't want the baby?! Damon, what am I gonna do?!" I rant. "Olivia,- Olivia!" He says, causing everyone to look at us. "Olivia, listen to me. Everything's going to be okay. We can figure this out." He says and I nod.


We walk back into the house, and I hug him. "Okay, I think it's time I get home." I say, and he nods. "Keep in touch. Elena and I will be there the day before. Call me if Klaus decides to say anything." He says and I nod. He kisses the top of my head, and I smile. "I love you, kid." He says, and I smirk. "You realize I'm technically older then you, right?" I ask, and he rolls his eyes. "Hush. I watched you get born. I don't wanna here it." He says, and I smile. I hug him one last time, then grab my bag and head out the door.


I walk out of the airport, and call Calix.

Hello, my love.
I'm home.
I'm gonna go to my apartment. I'm dead!
The dead can't talk.
You literally died a thousand years ago and like a million times since.
Alright. I'll see you tomorrow. Then we'll be married in two days.
I will see you tomorrow, my queen.
I love when you call me that.
I know.
Alright. I gots to get. I love you. Bye.

I hang up, and sigh. We're getting married the day after tomorrow. Then I have to tell him. What if it scares him?! What if he leaves?!

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