sagittarius and pisces

101 7 0

we're great together
can i touch you?

i don't see you
do you love me?

maybe if i hear you
can't you sing?

sweet dove
i want to float

in your oceans
but darling you

were made for the sky
and i the land

i love you
i love you

hold onto me
i cannot drown

you are too deep
and how easily

i get lost

scares me
and excites me

you hate it
i love it

please my angel
there are my manners

i'm sorry so many
tramped over you

couldn't they see
you were trying to fly?

you tell me
just keep running

that the world
is mine

i smile unsure
"alright, crazy"

i see you
do the same

i keep running
on the ocean floor

and you keep swimming
in the sky's clouds

i will still
look for you

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