A new beginning in Nuvema town!

Start from the beginning

"She's not? But I thought--" she turned to me, index extended to point, before letting out a small gasp "You're not Hilda!"

"I don't know who that is," I admitted with a sheepish grin "But no, I'm not her."

The girl suddenly bowed ninety degrees, catching me off guard "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I just feel awful! That was so rude of me!"

I stared at here, hands up as I tried to get her to stop. Honestly, her mistaking me for her friend didn't offend me in the slightest. I looked up at Cheren for help but he turned a blind eye.


"I-It's fine, really!" I tried to reassure the girl "Everyone mistakes someone for their friends, happens to the best of us! S-So, please stop bowing!"

The girl stood up straight "Really? You aren't mad?"

"Of course not!"

"Oh, phew!" The smile returned to her face, and she grabbed my hands and shook them almost painfully "I'm Bianca! It's great to meet you!"


If you couldn't tell already, I'm not good with social interaction. Sure, I had friends back in Hoenn, but they were a group of extroverts that one day decided to adopt me. Everyone else... I turn into a jumpy nervous wreck. As you saw with Cheren.

"Bianca, stop..." Cheren finally stepped in, prying the perky blonde off me "You'll give the poor girl a heart attack."

Thank you, Cheren! You're an angel in disguise!

"Besides, Hilda's here."

Eep! More new people!?

The three of us turned to greet the new person who apparently was the second friend Cheren was waiting for, and I swear I felt my soul leave my body.

Because she was drop dead gorgeous.

Her outfit? Flawless

Her hair? Flawless

Her skin? F L A W L E S S

Seriously is this girl a model? She should be!

"Uhhh, Kat?"

Crud, I was staring.

I blinked, shaking my head to snap myself out of the trance this female had dragged me into. That was who Bianca misunderstood me for?

...I'm taking that as a compliment!

"Haha, sorry..." I apologized, rubbing the back of my neck "What were you saying, Cheren?"

"I was saying..." he trailed off, seeming to get impatient "You know what, we haven't the time for this. Katrina, Hilda. Hilda, Katrina."

The girl smiled warmly at me, after giving her friend a snide glance, and held out a hand for me to shake "You're the new kid on the block, right? My new neighbor?"

I nodded, shyly taking her hand "Y-Yes. Nice to meet you, Hilda..."

Man her hands are soft! They make mine feel like sandpaper!

She chuckled softly, unfazed by my awkwardness "Same here, I'm sure we'll be great friends!"

I smiled back "Yeah..."

"So," Bianca piped up "What are you doing here of all places, Katty?"


"Ah! She's here to... actually, what exactly are you here for?" Cheren asked, crossing his arms curiously which for some reason intimidated me quite a bit. I gulped, holding up the letter in my hand so they could see.

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