This is one of the worst parts of the fandom, but it's not entirely their fault. After the death of Monty Oum (Rest in Peace good sir), the writers have caved to the fandom and do nothing but kiss every member's asshole.

And so, with all that considered the final score comes out to be...


Category 3: Creativity.

Okay, this one should be easy. Is the fandom creative? Most have at least a little creativity. And the RWBY fandom...

Has none.

I hate to say this, but this is a terrible fandom for creativity. Most art is based off other artwork done for other fandoms or by other RWBY artists, or is just a scene from the show. Even here on Wattpad.

I have to admit, even I've fallen victim to this and played a part. I try to spice up my stories with Pokemon and Highschool DXD crossovers, but even those just can't seem to make up for the blandness of this fandom.

With that, the final score comes out to be...


Category 4: Relevancy.

RWBY? Relevant?

Don't make me laugh.

Even among Rooster Teeth fans, this show means nothing. Outside of Wattpad, I hear more about Red vs Blue than RWBY.

And honestly, it's because of the death of Monty Oum(Rest In Peace good sir). He was one of the few people keeping this show on its feet, and after that everything fell apart. People just stopped caring or paying attention to this show.

Final score...


Category 5: Shipping.


Hear that?


It's me slamming my head on my desk.

Bumblebee and Whiterose. If you ship either of those two, you are the main problem with RWBY and its fandom. You and your ship are shit.

Alright, let's go into detail.

Some ships are generally good. Jaune X Pyrrha, Nora X Ren, Jaune X Ruby, Winter X Qrow, those are all fine. They have some part of the show, and are hinted atthrough the characters and their relationships. I don't mind these.

The ones that we're talking about are ships like Bumblebee and Whiterose.

These ships have no place in the show, don't make sense with the characters, and have no reason to be involved in the story. This is a show about a group of girls who are friends trying to save the world! I get where the lesbian vibes come in, but what the f*ck!?

RWBY Fans took it way to far. Let me just say this:

Hugs can be PLATONIC.

Friends can HOLD HANDS.

Ships need to be HINTED AT, they can't just COME OUT OF NOWHERE.

If a person dreams about naked guys, THEY MOST LIKELY AREN'T LESBIAN.

Added onto all of that, the writers have just bowed down to the shippers, making ships that have no cannon grounding official parts of the show.

Seriously Rooster Teeth, you have Death Battle to fall back on. Stop kissing the RWBY fandom's ass.

All in all...

-5/10. F*ck this fandom.

Final words:


For my final words, I'd like to say:

This is an unfunny, bland, and annoying fandom, whose only saving grace is their openness to newcomers, but even that is balanced out by how much they hate YouTubers.

That's all I got. I just hate these guys.

Final Score:

Drum roll please...

RWBY Fandom, on my TOXICITY SCALE, you rank...


I swear, this isn't how it's supposed to be! I just looked at the fandom, took what I saw, and ran with it! I tried to be even and fair, but this fandom is so toxic, they can't even get a one!

Anyway, this has been Author Man, see ya later.

See ya in another life Brotha!

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