It Started With a Call

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Stiles calling Derek late at night because his dad is drinking again and it's making him sad and he just wants to hear Derek's voice.


It's late and Stiles isn't feeling all that great, he's struggling with a few things. He finds himself calling Derek at 3 in the morning.





"Stiles? What's going on?"

"N-nothing. I mean...nothing supernatural."


"S-sorry. It was stupid to call, I didn't mean to bother you."

"Stiles, it's fine."

"Doesn't sound like it's fine. I'm going to go, sorry."

"Stiles, hold on."


"You called me for a reason."

"I...sort of..."

"What is it?"

"I don't want to bother you, really. I realize me calling sort of says the opposite of that but I wasn't really thinking. You're down where ever-"

"South America."

"Right, you're in South America with Cora and you should be with your sister."

"Stiles, what's wrong."

"I told you, nothing."

"You called me when it's 3 in the morning in Beacon Hills because nothing is going on?"



"Okay, okay. Don't get all growly. I's been drinking. And Scott's busy and Malia and me broke up a while ago and Lydia is off with Parish...and I'm just..."


"Yeah...I'm sorry, just forget about it. I'm fine, really. Just a weak moment."

"Stiles, stop it. It's fine, really. Did...did you want to talk about your dad?"

"Not really but...I should I guess."

"Alright, talk."

"Y-you're serious? You want to talk about my dad?"

"It's better than you rambling about nothing. Come on, Stiles."

"He's not getting nasty or anything, he never does. Dad's a sleepy, happy kind of drunk. But he wasn't drinking much before, hardly at all. Last night he finished a whole brand-new bottle of whiskey. I...I'm just worried, you know?"

"Was this ever an issue before? He never seemed the type."

"It...after mom died it was...he had to take some time off from the force. I...I spent a couple weeks with my grandparents up state."

"Christ, Stiles I had no idea."

"No one really does, not even Scott. I don't like to tell people about it; my dad's the sheriff, he's supposed to protect people and be this figure of strength. That was a really low and weak moment in his life, I don't like to think about it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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