''...Well, my parents wouldn't do anything for me. It's just the day I was born, really... my friends would get me some small gifts though.'' He said to me, his voice seeming distant.

Looks like I'm throwing a birthday party for him.

''...I wouldn't mind it too much though! Christmas is in December, so I would look forward to that-'' He continued. He stopped suddenly, a shaky breath leaving his throat.

''Hey... are you alright?'' I asked him. I gazed over at him suddenly- he was staring blankly at his hands with a distraught look.

''Yeah, I'm okay. I just realized that my parents won't be here for Christmas...'' He said with a faint laugh. He shook his head, lifting his gaze from his hands and finally looking at me. ''Silly, isn't it?''

''It's not silly at all. You're allowed to miss them, Luke... they are your parents, regardless of what they did. It's not like they have been in jail for ages now, it's only been a few weeks. One step at a time, alright?'' I reassured him.

''You could have Christmas with my family and I.'' I said with a smile. ''You're always welcome in our home.''

His frown slowly turned into a smile at my words. He crossed his arms across his chest, gazing at me with a playful look.

''What does your family even do for Christmas? I didn't know Satanists celebrated it...'' He admitted.

''We look at it as any holiday. It's just generally a Christian holiday these days. We use it as an excuse to get together and spend time with family. We exchange gifts, eat some good food... it's a nice time.''

''Oh yeah, and the human sacrifice to Satan. Can't forget about that.'' I added. I watched as his eyes widened in fear at my words, his face flushing bright red. I couldn't help but burst into laughter at his expression, forcing myself to look away from him and back onto the road.

''I'm kidding! Oh god, you should have seen your face. It was hilarious.'' I said to him as I pulled into the Church's parking lot. He finally began to laugh along with me after a few seconds, shaking his head back and forth with every second passing.

We pulled all of the cleaning supplies and decorations out of the car together. We definitely didn't need all of this stuff, but he insisted we did. I didn't have the heart to tell him otherwise.

''My aunties and uncle are here today. Don't be intimidated by them, they are sweet people.'' I reassured him. He nodded his head with a smile as we walked into the church side by side.

The sound of Nyx and Eva immediately filled my ears as we walked down the stairs to the second floor of the Church. They were bickering with auntie Precious about something probably- ever since they were born they were known to do that. She was yelling back at them with her hands crossed over her chest.

''Nyx, you best be sharin' your toys with ya sister. I ain't gonna tolerate this bickerin' all day! You won't be goin' to uncle Darnell's party!'' She exclaimed. I heard Luke gasp by my side, immediately getting my attention.

''Who are those two! they are so cute!'' He exclaimed, pointing in Nyx and Eva's direction. I couldn't help but smile at him.

''Those are my baby cousins. You could say hi, you know... they have been dying to meet you.'' I said to him. He immediately walked over to my auntie precious, Nyx and Eva.

''Oh hello there! you must be Luke, it's nice to meet you!'' my auntie Precious exclaimed. She instinctively pulled Luke into a hug without warning, wrapping her arms around Luke's neck and pulling him down to her height.

Sin (BoyxBoy) ✔️ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now