Lulu and the information about the game.

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry for the late update. I was just so busy with my school work with exams and new school year and so on. It's been such a mess here, I couldn't get any chance to continue with the story.

Anyway it's in double pov so it may be confusing. One is our Sofia/Charlene while other is Luizana/Lulu, the cute maid introduced last chapter.

Hope you enjoy.


Luizana Grey, or as Sofia had called her yesterday, Lulu- was internally freaking out.

Her young Mistress, Charlene has been staring at the bright pink walls since the moment she'd woken up today. Even during her breakfast, the dark blue emotionless orbs -Lulu is so familiar with -had not strayed from that god awful pink wall.

Honestly Lulu doesn't understand why the Mistress Ariel, young Charlene's mother designed the room in this awfully bright shade of the colour pink. The young Mistress absolutely loathe this colour- pink in general, and Lulu does too, but unlike the young Mistress Lulu does not hate the pink colour in general just this bright shade the room is painted with. It makes you feel quite nauseated.

And Lulu is starting to worry for her young miss's eyes after starting at the wall for...1...2.....2 and a half hour.

"Lulu."- the young maid immediately perked up on hearing her Mistress calling her name.

"Yes my lady."


Sofia can feel the worried daggers in her back, the poor maid Lulu had been sending for the last 2 hours. Which she purposely choose to ignore. Let's worry about the poor girl later, right now she has to think.

Yesterday night Sofia had been too tired to process the information she got fully except that she tramsmigrated in an otome game.

So first thing she did when she woke up today is try and process every information she had gained. And it took more time than she had thought. (2 and a half hour)

Finally done!

She turned towards the dazed maid who seems to be thinking quiet hard with a worried look on her face. Probably directed towards her.

Aww she is so cute.

"Lulu." Sofia almost giggled after seeing how the young girl perked up like a little pup when called by it's master.

Yep, totally cute.

"Yes my lady. " spoke a soft voice, not too high pitched but not too soft that it'll be hard to hear. Sofia is impressed. Perfect subordinate through and through huh?

"Can you get me some plane papers and a pen? " Lulu nodded and left the room.

Sofia resumed at staring the wall. Ughhh- was the only feeling it provided her with. The damn wall was seriously just too much. She never knew that a maiden colour like pink could come in this god awful shade. It was a disgrace in the name of colour pink!

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Three soft knocks from the wooden oak door pulled Sofia out from her thoughts.

"Come in. " the door opened. Lulu came in with a stack of white plane paper and a fountain pen in her hands. "How many times do I have to tell you, you do not need to knock Lulu? "

Lulu blushed, embarrassed.

The previous owner of Sofia's present body really doted on Lulu, as the young maid was the only companion she had ever known. So she had pretty much banned Lulu from performing any formalities when they were alone. Knocking for one. Or calling each other by their status.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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