michael's adventure

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heey im uploading yay and thats all im going to say enjoy


michael's POV

when me and lola walked into the recording studio i was really frustraited how she took out her emotions on makenzie which made me want to yell but im not because i know better

"michael why are we in here?" lola asked curiously

"do you wanna know why?" i said with a cold stare

"yes and your going to make me cry with that stare you are giving me' she said sounding shakened

"well for starters you didnt believe a word that makenzie said about anabel and plus you yelled at her and made your family mad at her" i said all too fast but for some reason i have a feeling that she understood that

"i know and i feel stupid for it but  they wont listen to me when it comes to telling them what anabel says " she told me sounding as if she was going to cry

"hey im not yelling at you so why are you crying? all im asking is why is your emotions being a target on makenzie?" i asked softly

"michael im pregnant and i cant help it they just flow out of me like a waterfall" she said being defensive

"i know i know you dont have to be all defensive because i am going over there to speak with them an-

"NO! you cant go they dont know that you are the king of pop except my uncle carlos and if they knew they wouldve kept on bugging me about you and your family" said lola cutting me off

"relax lola dont worry ill be fine and makenzie is going with me so anabel can say sorry" i told her

"but,- "no buts im going and thats final" i said then i kissed her and walked out the recording studio to get makenzie out of her room

"makenzie are you taking a nap i asked while knocking on the door"

"NO DADDY IM AWAKE IM JUST PLAYING WITH MY DOLLS" makenzie said opening her room door

"oh well do you want to go back over to nana's house so we can make sure anabel apologises?"

"NO I DONT WANT TO GO BACK THERE THEY ARE MEAN TO ME!!!" she said running to her bed

"baby gurl, i thought we were going to go to nana's and see if anabel was going to say sorry "

i changed my mind i dont want to go" she mummbled into her pillow

"but after we go we will get icecream and ill take you to your favorite store" i said rubbing her back

she poped up from her pillow and jumped out of bed

"WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR LETS GO!! she said while pulling me torwards the dor with her

"lola were leaving do you want to come?" i yelled to see if she was anywhere near

"yes i do here i come" she yelled and came into the living room from the kitchen

"alright family to nana's house" i said holding lola and makenzies hand

 NANA'S HOUSE******************************************************

i ringed the door bell and a harsh yell of "what do you want" screamed inside the house

"mama stop that and open the door" lola said huffing and puffing

i fixed my hat and glasses just in case and when she opened the door she saw makenzie and lola and me which she was staring at me funny but i just nodded my head

my love belongs to you only (A michael jackson story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora