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Lola's POV

its been a week since michael left me and makenzie. ive been stressing and panicing everyday and michael's family always came to check on us. mother would always say give michael time to think over about what he did but its not working it stresses me out more.

"mommy you ok? you've been in bed for a long time and you havent ate anything" makenzie said trying to be the brave one 

"im fine its just that im not hungry right now" 

"you have been saying that everytime i come into your room. this is everyday mom you need to get out of bed and eat "

"makenzie...." i softly said to her trying my best not to cry and how much she sounded like michael 

michael. i miss him, i need him, oh god i miss his presence this family is breaking apart and im pregnant with his child, HIS child.

makenzie walked up to my bed and layed beside me "mommy dont cry, daddy will come home to us i know he will " she said trying to reason with me 

a single tear fell out of my eye and i knew that i was about to have another break down but my stomach started to kramp up badly

"ow" i winced in pain 

"mommy are you ok ?" she asked wiping the tear and stare at me with worriness

"go get nana and tell her we need to go to the hospital"

she nodded and ran to mother as fast as her little toddler feet could run in praise god for to have her in my life and i still thank him for giving me the blessing of her personality she is a replica of her father's heart . i just wish he would come back home 

michael's POV

"mike man when are you going home?"

"chris i just cant face her" i told him

"are you serious?, she is your wife she is loyal to you she would never do a thing and who knows it might be a box that was sent to the wrong house" 

"you maybe right chris but i just cant. i just cant"

"man you are so stubborn like a horse get you ass up and lets go see her"

"chris no stop please can we not" i asked while he pulled me along with him as if i was a toddler in trouble 

toddler.... my toddler makenzie i miss her so much but i cant show my face around her i just feel so. so. im to dissapointed to even come up with a word 

you know you miss them so why try to ignore me?

oh great my cauntious popped into my thoughts

you cant ignore me. i am you so there is no way of you trying to hide you thoughts or feelings from me

should i even try to resist? i do miss them but i just have this feeling im going to be heartbrokened more

dont listen to that feeling listen to your heart trust it and go back to neverland and be with your unborn child, makenzie, and lola 

you may be right i should go see them

at neverland...........

i walked through the door to see my brothers and sisters on the couch

"what are you guys doing here?" i asked

"MICHAEL!" i herd my mother from up stairs 

i ran up those stairs like no tomarrow and try to see where she would be

"Mother where are you?" 

"in your room" she replied with a worried tone in her voice

i dont like that kind of voice so i walked into the room and notice her and makenzie in the room cleaning up something

"mother whats going on wheres lola?" i asked concerned

"go into the bathroom she needs you " i just nodded and walked ahead but i noticed a trail of blood going to the bathroom which scared me. did she try to commit suicide?

i walked in and saw her rocking in the tub with blood on her and in the tub then noticed a weird thing in there--

Oh my god no.

our unborn baby was in  that tub not fully developed but in that tub with lola in a rocking and shaking form crying silently  shes having a panic attack again

i didnt care i bent to her level and hugged her tightly 

"im sorry baby im so sorry " i said to her neck she started to sob loudly in my arms and hug me back grabbig onto my shirt with her bloody hands probably from holding the fetus 

i heard foot steps comming into the bathroom and gasps behind me i just felt so horrible .

i caused this. i caused her to lose this wonderful child

our baby gone.


sorry if this chapter sounded sad but in the next chapter i promise it would sound better than this one. and im sorry if i made michael sound like a bad guy in here, i still love the man .

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HugsXLove WOLFSEY!!!! XD X3 X^ <3 MJ POWER HOO!!!!

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