7. Sorry Not Sorry

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He pinched the bridge of his nose staring at her incredulously, and felt a wave of cold wash over him. "I'm serious, Mom."

She placed her hand on his arm. "I know you are and I appreciate you looking out for your sister. In the eyes of a teenage girl, nothing makes a boy more appealing than to be told she can't see him."

"He's not a boy."

"I know. Same thing." Mom blew out a heavy breath. "This goes back to our earlier conversation. As a parent, all I can do at this point is offer advice. I can't really make her do much of anything. If I do, then it will just push her closer to him. We have to trust she's a good judge of character and this man is as reputable as she claims."

Gabriel's brows raised into his hairline. She wasn't seriously on Silbie's side with dating a guy six years older than her, was she? He was in a sea of uncertainty, and the one thing he was clinging to was being taken from him. He didn't know who he'd be without constantly worrying over his sister.

"He can hurt her," he protested. "I'm talking bad hurt. The kind that can scar you for life. It scares the shit out of me to think about that happening to her." He balled his hands into fists. He'd hurt anyone who harmed her. She was his responsibility.

Mom wrapped her arms around him and rested her head against his shoulder, soothing errant curls at the crown of his head. "I hope you picked up on what Silbie said about Owen measuring up to you. That's what convinced me to hold my tongue. Thanks to you, she knows what a good man is." She pulled back and looked up at him. "Let's just give her our blessing and see how it plays out. That way, we can have some control. You know, let him visit her here at the house. See how he acts. Get to know him. Okay?"

Like it or not, Mom had some good points. Chances were, Silbie meant what she said about seeing Owen no matter what, so this was the best idea. Gabriel could put the guy under the microscope and see how he acted around Silbie. But even if he agreed, it wouldn't stop Gabriel from letting Owen know what he thought.


On Monday, by the time Gabriel finished work, got home, showered and changed, it was almost six when he arrived at the hospital. Lucky for him, Owen was still there. He'd hoped as much because he really wanted to set him straight about what would happen if he didn't treat Silbie right.

Gabriel stopped in the doorway and zeroed in on the enemy. Owen looked up from the magazine he was reading.

"You and I need to talk," Gabriel said.

"I figured as much." He rose from the chair and moved toward Gabriel. "Let's take this conversation into the hallway."

Once outside the room, Owen spun around to face Gabriel. "I know what you're going to say and I agree. Hell, if I had sisters in this situation, I'd probably feel the same."

Gabriel flinched. The last thing he'd expected was for the guy to agree with him and be straightforward. But he reminded himself sometimes people said what you wanted to hear. "Explain to me what you see in an eighteen-year-old high school girl."

Owen stared at the floor, then lifted his head and looked Gabriel in the eye. "I've been asking myself the same question, and I can't explain it. All I know is I haven't been this attracted to a girl in—well, ever. I like her. Really like her. I swear I'm not trying to take advantage of her. And the last thing I want is to hurt her. But I've explained with all we have working against us, that's a big possibility. She doesn't seem to care about that."

Damn. This guy was good. Even Gabriel was affected by his sincerity. He started to speak, but Owen cut him off.

"Look, I'm here for just a week, then I go back home. I've thought about it, and the best solution is for me not to come back. If Zari is still in a coma, I'll skip my turn staying with her. As much as I want to spend time with Silbie, I know it isn't a good idea. Better to nip this in the bud before it goes any further."

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