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I got in trouble like I usually do. "Krissy you're late for supper go up stairs no food for you!" Right like it's my fault a boy held me back. "What ever I wasn't going to eat that shit anyways..." I ran up stairs stomping ever stomp. "I fucking hate this place!" I closed my door behind myself. "Why did I end up here...oh right my parents never loved me I forgot about that." I sat myself on my bed. "I'm kind of tired..." I closed my eyes for a little. "Krissy...." My names being called but by who? "Krissy wake up..." Who's there? I opened my eyes it was night out. The moon shining in my window. I looked outside to see the boy from before. "Krissy..." He whispered in the darkness. Why does he seem so close but yet he's so far? "Hello?" I whispered to the window thinking he might just hear me. He walked to the front of the orphanage. I heard a door open and foot steps. "Hello??" My voice was shaking and I was scared. The door opened and I seen the boy. "Uh...how'd you get in?" He sat on my chair I had leaned on the wall. "There's a key under the mat..." Ge mumbled. "Right I forgot about that..." I fiddled with my fingers I was wearing pajama bottoms and a tank top my hair was up in a messy bun. "What do you want anyways?" I looked at him curiously. "Lots of people have seen me but haven't bothered to see if I'm ok you're the only one who stopped....I wanted to say thanks." I blushed my face was a redish color and I know it is. I tried to hide my face but it wasn't working out so well. "I'm Garret by the way..." I smiled "Hi Garret I'm well Krissy or Kristen..." He smiled "Hi Kristen..." He got up. "It was nice meeting you and all but I'm a busy man." Gestured a hand wave. "Well thanks for waking me up I guess..." He turned around. "Oh sorry right it is night time isn't it..." He got something out of his pocket. "Here..u" He handed me a pink marbled rose. "Uh no I can't keep this it's to beautiful!" He shook his head resisting the gift. "No keep it I have no use for it." I smiled giving up. "Thanks...its very gorgeous..." He smiled waving off. I heard his steps down stairs and heard the door close quietly behind him. "Thank you Garret..." I whispered to myself. I closed my eyes and drifted back to dream land.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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