and i'll be making her mine

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「and i'll be making her mine」


"ugh! i swear to hell that he's getting on my nerves!", lynz sneers as she slams her locker shut. her eyes stalk gerard and frank's moves, she knew that they were becoming closer every second, every minute and every hour of the day.

gerard smiles and laughs in the distance, the words coming out of his mouth were inaudible but he was smiling.

her eyes widen. a true smile - something she hasn't seen in months, or what felt like years.

perhaps.. frank was good for gerard.

lynz knew about gerard's depression and about where his mental state of mind was. she knows that she shouldn't be acting like his second mother.

but yet.. she hated - no - despised frank.

it was like a burning passion to destroy frank's reputation, so gerard could see how foolish he was to be friends with an emotionless greasy rat.

but.. that would be selfish, right?

yes. lynz liked - no - loved gerard. she promised him that she would fix him and help him feel alive.

but after all these years, nothing she did worked.

was it that she was too clingy? or was it her personality? maybe it was herself in general?

no matter how hard she tried and no matter how much she devoted her heart into gerard's life, nothing worked.

lynz sighs as she tears her eyes away from the two teenagers and walks up to jamia, one of her only best friends.

"oh hey lynz!", jamia cheerfully greets her. her smile then fads to a frown. "i-is something wrong? you seem quite down.."

"no.", the raven forces a smile. "i'm.. i'm okay. trust me."

"it's about gerard, isn't it?", jamia sighs. "it's his life, ya know. he can do what he wants and like whoever the hell he wants. you can't force him to like you back, that's not how love works."

"but jamia.. what is love?"

"love..", jamia pauses and thought for a moment, she then gives a  smile. "love is an emotion. it's something you feel towards another person in more than a friendly way. it's a way of showing respect and sympathy to someone. to be honest, i think love forms because of the bonds two people create with each other. it just happens naturally, you can't force love, you feel it. and you fall into it without realizing it. that's what i think love is."

"do you.. do you think gerard is in love with frank? a-and.. do you think frank feels the same way?", lynz asks, forcing the words to come out of her mouth as blinks back tears.

"...", she stays silent for a moment, not knowing what to say. "there's a possibility.."

"i just don't want to lose gerard. i confronted frank earlier today and i was acting like such an overprotective bitch..", she uses the hem of her sleeve to wipe away her tears. "i.. i love gerard, you understand, don't you?"

jamia blushes as a grin spread across her face as a certain someone invades her thoughts. "yes i do. but this isn't about me or my feelings, it's about you. you should confess to him before it's too late. you still have two days lynz, two days. and that's more than enough time."

"th-thank you jamia! thank you, thank you, thank you!", she cries, pulling her friend into her arms. jamia sighs of relief, hugging her best friend back.

but underneath all the layers of skin, they were both hurting.


"i overheard what lynz said to you during lunch.", gerard admits as the silence broke between us. my eyes flutter up to his gaze.

oh crap. he did.

"well, not all of it.. but i'm sorry about how lynz is treating you.", he sighs, running a hand through his jet black hair. "she can be.. mhm, how do i say this in a nice way? overprotective, that's the word."

"n-no, it's not y-your fault.", i say. "sh-she's just upset that you're n-not spending enough time with her."

wow, good lie iero.

"lie to me, see if i care frank.", gerard sighs once again. "but i know that's not the truth.. i don't need her, i found someone better.."

"and who's that?"

"you.", he smiles.

i smile.

"you're important to me too gerard."

the taller male smiles as his cheeks turns rosy pink. "you're just as important yourself."

for the first time in forever, i didn't stutter.


i have to protect this precious bean.

"frank? may i speak with you?"

we turn around. it's jamia.

"yeah, sure.. what's up?", i casually respond.

she glances over to gerard then back to me. "alone?"

gerard frowns. "when you guys are done, meet me in the unused art room. 'kay frank?"

i nod then wave him goodbye.

i feel dead once again. i only feel alive when gerard's with me, my heart beats when he's around and then it dies back down..

i will never understand emotions.

"i'm sorry for barging in like this frank but.. i..", her fist clenches tighter on the hem of her skirt.

"hm? you can tell me anything jamia, we're friends.", i say.

"ia-and that's all we'll ever be..", she mumbles softly. frank stares blankly at her, unknown of what she just said.

"i.. i..!", she takes a few steps back, rapidly blinking her eyes. "no, i'm sorry. i should've never came. i can't do this today.. i'm sorry frank, i'm sorry."

she disappears faster than she came.

okay, now i'm confused.

what was that all about? guess i'll never know.

i have to find gerard now.

he's waiting for me.

in the unused art room.

waiting for me.

and only me because i am the only important thing in his life.

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