Both Yugi and Honda's eyes widened in surprise.

"The toxin is a genetically engineered, airborne virus. Once the victim is exposed to it, it's absorbed into every living tissue of the body," Seto explained, switching to Japanese to avoid any unwanted eavesdroppers. "It takes approximately an hour to fully integrate into the host's system. The only way to break its hold and make sure it will never resurface, is an electrical shock strong enough to eradicate the virus but weak enough to ensure the victim's survival. Its main drawback is, once the virus has been dealt with, the victim becomes immune to any further exposure."

As he spoke, he kept a sharp eye on Jounouchi standing behind Yugi. The mutt had obviously kept his mouth shut about the details of what he'd seen in the compound with Yugi. Something Seto suspected was eating the Pharaoh's loyal lapdog from the inside out. Betrayal was like that.

"That doesn't sound like much of a drawback," Honda mumbled.

"It is for someone like Seth," Seto said sternly. "I suspected Seth had a weapon of that sort in his arsenal but without confirmation I couldn't be sure until I saw it's effects first hand." He shrugged. "I've dealt with such weapons before, I just never thought I'd see it used again."

Honda looked thoroughly dumbstruck but Yugi, interestingly enough, was frowning and gazing at Seto as if he'd just seen something he recognized but did not expect to see. There was a faint tug on Seto's Shadows and, out of curiosity, he tugged right back. Yugi's eyes bulged in shock and Seto smirked.

Well, well. Perhaps there was some part of the Pharaoh's memories that remained.

"I... thank you," Honda said, his shoulders drooped. "For explaining, I mean." He rubbed his neck awkwardly. "It was... It was disconcerting not actually knowing what happened."

Seto frowned. "Did your fellow geeks not explain anything to you?" he said, glancing at Yugi significantly.

Yugi flushed. "I wasn't really sure how to explain," he admitted. "I told him everything I saw and heard, but... I get the feeling you deliberately kept me in the dark on this one." He met Seto's gaze evenly, then turned to Jounouchi. "Whatever you're keeping a secret, as long as it doesn't affect us in future fights, I won't press."

"Wise choice," Seto said, drawing Yugi's gaze.

There was a hard edge to the shorter boy's violet that Seto had only seen in duels or 5,000 years ago in a battle for freedom, life, and death. The inexplicable urge to bow twinged the edges of his psyche but he resisted. Now was neither the time nor the place.

But, perhaps a little bit of the truth wouldn't hurt.

He shifted so the comforting weight of the golden Millennium Rod hooked to his belt flashed briefly in the overhead lights of the Dealer's Room. As expected, Yugi noticed instantly. His entire demeanor froze, one hand unconsciously lifting to clutch his Millennium Puzzle protectively. When violet eyes returned to Seto's, they were wide with disbelief and fear? Odd. Not the reaction Seto was anticipating.

He lifted an eyebrow, waiting for Yugi to say something. Silence. Rolling his eyes, Seto uncrossed his legs and stood, clutching his laptop in one hand as he moved to leave the KaibaCorp display. He needed coffee and if Yugi didn't want to talk now, then he could wait. His need for coffee could not.

He stepped around the couch and approached the stark white temporary structure in the center of the KaibaCorp display. The small room inside was shaped like a pentagon and served as both a private break room for the KaibaCorp employees working the display as well as a secure location to have discussions with customers or potential customers regarding sensitive subject matter. It was also, apparently, the place to leave personal items if the couple bags tucked away by the small portable safe was anything to go by.

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