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You sat beside Izuku as your teacher lectures the class about how all the students should be focused on their futures and consider the path that they want to take.

"I know you all want to be heroes."

The class erupted in an uproar as all the students showed off their quirks. You turned towards Izuku only to see him fidgeting in discomfort. 'Damn school. So inconsiderate...' The teacher then shouted at your class, telling them that they weren't allowed to use their quirks while in class. You saw Izuku's shoulders fall ever so slightly relieved that the topic was changed.

"Hey teacher, don't bother putting me with these good-for-nothings," said Katsuki. His feet were propped up in his desk; a pose definitely not fitted for class. You clenched your fists as he declared his goals of going to U.A. and becoming even greater than the number one hero of all time, All Might. You only rolled your eyes at his ridiculous claims, ready for the day to get over with.

"Izuku, aren't you aiming for U.A. as well?" Your eyes widened in horror as the teacher said that out loud. Sure you knew of his dream of becoming a hero, Izuku's told you countless of times for as long as you could remember. When he told you he was planning on going to U.A. you were definitely a bit hesitant about it.

"Izuku, you do know that the entrance exam isn't as easy as you think, right? Why don't you try something else-"

"No Y/N. I know you know it's my dream to be a hero and I know I don't have a quirk but... I know I can do this. Even if you don't believe in me, I'll believe in myself."

You stared at him with wide eyes before smiling.

"Then I guess I will believe in you."

From there you've admired your best friend more than ever. He had something most students lack, passion and determination. Izuku was determined to be a hero and making everyone safe. Even without a quirk, he's been passionate about helping people.

Right now, however, was something that you expected.

The whole class laughed at him, especially Katsuki.


Then he started to back up Izuku into the wall behind him. This made you get up from your own seat.

"I-I'm positive that I'll get in! T-They go-got rid of the rule about not having a quirk so I-I d-d-do think I'll be able to get in..."

"Ha! Even if you do get in, you don't stand a chance with the elites. You won't be able to roll with the top ones!"

That really made your blood boil.

"That's enough you prick. Leave Izuku alone." You said boldly as you walked towards to two and stood in front of your best friend.

"You know what bothers me, Y/N? The fact that you still hang out with this quirkless loser. If I were you I would have left him."

At this point, the water was ready to turn over but nonetheless, you tried to keep your cool as you stood in front of Bakugo.

"Good thing you're not me then."

Then the teacher interrupted your little brawl. 'Couldn't he have stopped this whole thing like five minutes ago?'

"Y/N, I'd like to know, how come you're not applying to U.A.? With a quirk like yours', you'd definitely go places."

You saw your quirk as nothing more than a part of you but to others, it really was extraordinary. You can't deny that fact either, because it truly was. Your aunt has taken you to specialists to check out your rare quirk but even they had a hard time trying figure it out.

Ever since you developed your quirk at a young age, many have dubbed you as a special one. You were somehow able to copy, use, and enhance other's quirks by simply watching them. You were almost like a folder. And from there you just kept storaging quirks upon quirks.

Then at some point in your elementary days, you developed your reducing quirk. After some girl had cheated in a race, you somehow controlled the speed of her quirk, and caused her to be in last place. Your aunt scolded you for the first time in your life that day and she made you write an apology letter to the girl and her parents.

You were a rare case indeed. According to doctors and specialists you had what was called 'Multa Imperium' or 'Many Powers' and only around .00001% of the world's population had it (700 out of 7 billion). The good thing was that it stopped developing at thirteen.

From what your aunt was able to explain to you, your mother had an enhancing quirk and your father some type of copying quirk. So it made sense that you were able to control, copy, enhance, use and reduce someone's quirk and use those same abilities on yourself. One thing that you couldn't wrap your head around was your last and final quirk. It started midway through your first year of middle school when you discovered you were able to catch small glimpses of other's past and present whenever your hand touched something of their's. It wasn't concerning at first since you never went around touching other people's stuff and the desks were randomly assigned (therefore you didn't know who they belonged to the year before). It be came a concern for you when you grabbed Izuku's hand one day out of habit, then you saw it.

How the doctors told him he would never have a quirk to his mother telling him that she was sorry. You saw his day and you saw how Bakugo had insulted him once again. Luckily you discovered that the skin to hand thing only happened with people who were either close to you or people who you've known for a long time (unfortunately you saw how your aunt was in her high school days). Since then you wore gloves, claiming that your hands were cold. You never told anyone about it.

You looked at your hands while thinking about the question that your teacher asked you.

How come you're not aiming for U.A.?

"In all honesty sir... I'm not really interested and I feel like others are more deserving than I am." You looked at Izuku as you said your words. "However, just in case I do happen to change my mind I'll let you know."

Who would have thought that that same day you did in fact change your mind?

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