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Milo's POV

I walked into school with Zoe holding my hand. I hate it when she does that but my mom makes her so that I don't 'get hurt' or something. I go to my locker and put my things away. Then I go to talk to my friends Mason and Alan. They're probably my only actual friends since everyone thinks that I'm 'sp-ed' or 'retarded' now.

As we're talking I see her walk past. Witney. She's the hottest girl I've ever seen but she obviously doesn't like me back. Sure, she's nice to me but she doesn't treat me like a person and treats me like a child. But at this point, who doesn't?

I go after her. "Hey Witney" She looks back at me and smiles. "Hi Milo"  My hands start fidgeting and I don't know what to say. "Dance...Thursday...you go with me?" I managed to say. I mentally facepalm at how stupid I sound. It takes her a minute to understand. "Oh, um... sure!" She smiles. "I'd love to. I'll pick you up at 6:30?" I nod. Of course she's the one that's picking me up. I'm too young to drive and my mom probably won't let me when I'm old enough to.

"Yeah. That'd be great" I say and realize that I'm staring at the floor.

"I should probably get to class" She says and walks away. I sigh and go to class too. The whole time I'm in there I'm thinking about her. The dance is tomorrow and a girl actually agreed to go with me. I did not expect that to happen at all.

At lunch I find Zoe, since she has my money. My mom doesn't trust me with handling money either.
"Are you going to buy your food now?" She asks me.
"I just wanted it hold so that I have it for when I'm ready"
"No way, Mi. You know the rules" She turns around to continue talking to her friends and I am sent back to my table. This is going to be a very long day.

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