A Gem and A Fox

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              The next morning, all the campers went out to get breakfast from the mess hall. Bella made sure that Sonic stayed in the cabin before leaving.
In line for breakfast, she sneaked extra snacks into her backpack.
"Why are you putting a pb and j and an apple juice in your bag", Diana asked.
"Oh! Just an extra snack", Bella fibbed, still wanting to keep her new friend a secret.
After eating, she left quietly without Diana noticing and hurried to their cabin where Sonic was hiding.
But when she walked in, the hedgehog wasn't anywhere to be seen.
"Sonic? Sonic where are you", she said.
She started to worry, did he run off again?
Then she heard grunting noises coming from the bathroom. She walked up to the door and opened it slowly, and there he was, stuck in the toilet seat, struggling to get out.
"Well are ya just gonna stand there? Get me outta this thing", he said.
She took him by his gloved hands and pulled as hard as she could to get him unstuck.
It took a few tugs but she finally got him out, landing on the floor from the force.
"You okay", Bella asked.
"Yeah", Sonic replied.
"What were you doing in the toilet", she asked.
"I rather not say", Sonic said with a hint of embarrassment.
Bella knew what he meant, and she didn't ask any more questions.
"Oh, I brought some snacks from the mess hall", Bella said, taking out the pb and j and apple juice from her backpack and handing them to him, "here".
"Thanks, kid", Sonic replied, taking the juice and the sandwich.
He nearly gobbled the sandwich in a second, getting jelly smeared on his muzzle and slurped up the juice until the bottle was completely empty.
Bella was surprised, he must've been hungry ever since he ended up on her campsite.
"Uh, I've been meaning to ask you something", she said.
"Ask away", he said with his mouth full.
"Where did you come", she asked, "I mean you're obviously not from this planet and I don't mean to be offensive but. . .are you an alien".
He perked up at this question.
"Well, that's a good question", he started, "I come from a planet called Möbius, and no, I'm not an alien. My kind are known as mobians".
"That's good to know, but how did you get here anyway", Bella asked.
"Hmm, unfortunately I don't have a very good answer, cuz I don't really remember", Sonic explained, "I'm not even sure how I traveled here anyway".
"Well, hopefully we'll find out soon", she replied, "until then you need to lay low".
"Laying low isn't my thing, but I'll try", he replied.
Suddenly they heard a voice coming from a speaker over an intercom.
"Campers, please come outside and line up in your groups. We'll be doing some hiking for today", the voice said.
"I better get going, since the other campers will be out for the day, you can do some running around if you want", Bella said, taking her backpack and getting a few other things for the hike, "I'll see you soon".
"Don't worry, kid", Sonic said with a wink, "nobody pretty much notices me because they never see me coming, if you know what I mean".
Bella laughed a little. "I get it", she said, "see ya later".
She walked out the door and to her group.
The hike was long and a bit tiring, most of the campers in Bella's group caught some butterflies and beetles, but Bella didn't have much luck.
At some point of the trip, she thought she had seen something go through the green vegetation, something with floppy cream colored ears.
But she missed it.
"Too bad you didn't find anything", Diana said.
"Actually, I think I saw a rabbit. But I wasn't able to get a good look and it ran off", Bella said.
"What part of it did you see".
"All I saw was it's ears, although they were pretty big and floppy for a rabbit".
"Maybe it was a large one", her friend replied.
"Probably", she agreed.
Then they all stopped when the counselor made an announcement.
"Okay, kids. You're free to go around the woods and look around, just make sure you don't go too far from the trail and if you do, just blow your whistles that I'll be handing out to you", the counselor said, handing each of the campers a whistle tied to a string.
As their whistles were handed down to them, the campers headed off in different directions to look around.
"So, do you want to look together or alone", Diana asked.
"I'll be okay, hope I find something good", Bella headed off on her own trail.
Hours passed, Bella didn't find anything. It seemed pretty quiet, too.
Then she saw something glowing in a nearby bush.
She walked up to it, moving branches out of the way.
There in the bush was a glowing green diamond. It seemed to be some kind of emerald, a glowing one.
She reached out for it.
Unaware that the bush was on the edge of a cliff, the ground suddenly crumbled down and she fell.
She rolled down the cliff, getting dirt all over her. 
With the gem still in her hand, she slowly got up, seeing that she was at the bottom of a deep pit.
Bella blew her whistle loudly, but it seemed that no one could hear it.
"Help! Somebody! Please, I'm stuck down here",  she shouted.
No answer.
Until she felt something grab her by the shoulders, the ground suddenly growing smaller.
"Don't worry, I got you", a voice reassured her.
Whoever it was, it wasn't Sonic. It sounded younger. As soon as they got out of the pit, Bella saw that her rescuer was a yellow fox with twin tails. 
"Hi, my name is Miles Prower, but you can call me Tails".
The young fox held out his gloved hand, wanting to shake hers.
"Bella Gomez, thanks for helping me".
"You're welcome", he replied happily.
Bella looked at the glowing gem in her hand.
"Does this belong to you", she asked.
"You actually found one", he replied in surprise, "and yeah, just give it to me carefully".
She handed the gem over to Tails.
"Anyway, I should head back to my group".
"Don't worry, I'll help you get back to them".
"Okay, lead the way".
After hours and hours, Bella spotted some campers nearby.
She pulled Tails into a nearby bush so no one would see him, she hid as well.
Watching from the shrubs, they suddenly heard a male camper shout. "Hey, guys, look what I found".
They saw that he had caught a cream colored rabbit was in his net.
It was quivering with fear.
Bella recognized the poor thing, it was the rabbit she saw earlier.
"Not bad, check out this weird little thing", another said, holding a net that held some kind of creature that wasn't a mobian.
"Please let us go", the little rabbit pleaded.
The small creature peeped in response.
"Whoa! These things are awesome, let's take'em back to our cabin".
They headed off.
"Oh no, that was Cream and Cheese", Tails said.
"Those were your friends", Bella asked.
"Yeah, we have to save them", Tails explained.
"Okay, but first, we have to get back to my cabin to tell a friend of mine", Bella said.
"You do? Who is it", the fox asked.
"I think you might know him", Bella said, "let's just hurry".
Tails nodded and they headed to the campsite.

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